
tag: redesign

June 10th, 2009


The (Anonymous & Satirical) Face of the Dialogue

We talk a bit around here about the new dialogue that happens between companies and their customers – and between the customers themselves. Things are definitely changing out there – and I don’t think anyone’s really debating that anymore. Participate or get out. What I’m enjoying right now is the proliferation of the satirical online personality and the conversations these folks are starting.

February 18th, 2009


Bozell Website Redesign Concept Featured in Layers Magazine

A lot of attention gets paid around here to web/interactive design. It’s a different beast than print design. It’s got to be usable. It can be dynamic. It has to be programmed, coded, laid out, and implemented in some way that displays properly in a bunch of different web browsers and even mobile devices. And let’s not even get started on keeping up with the latest rendering engines, CSS techniques, and all the other things that end up making the web design job a lot more than making pretty pictures.