
tag: behavior

May 3rd, 2017


So I’m a returner.

For years I’ve noticed that there are always stray shopping carts littering the parking lot of one of the grocery stores near me. Yet right up the street, the other grocery store never has stray carts. They are always neatly stacked in the cart corrals. Both stores are in fairly affluent areas, both are nice stores. So I assumed that one store had better staff practices/policies, but I may have assumed wrong. Read More

May 3rd, 2010


Act Like You Want It

Attitude and perception are an amazing thing. If you want something, act like it. Think like it. Believe it. Your enthusiasm means a lot and shows you care.
Watch the people around you. I’d bet that the people with a positive outlook and enthusiastic approach are making more progress toward goals than the people whose bleak outlook prevents others from wanting to get on board. Read More