

February 24th, 2021


Episode 12: Getting the Most Out of Your Social Media Accounts in 2021

You might think you know social, but we guarantee you’ll learn something new from our guest on this episode of Marketing Then & Now. Bozell’s very own social media specialist, Christie Do, shares some insights on how to get the most out of your social platforms. She discusses the importance of setting goals and staying true to your brand values – especially during the cancel-culture era. And she also introduces us to 360 Listening—a service that Bozell provides that combines search listening, news listening and social listening—all so you can better understand what your customers actually want and need. So tune in and take notes. 

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February 19th, 2021

Laura Spaulding

Bozell Awarded Seven American Advertising Awards

Bozell took home seven awards at Nebraska’s virtual 2021 American Advertising Federation’s American Advertising Awards ceremony on Thursday evening. The marketing agency earned silver awards in seven different categories.

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January 29th, 2021


Bozell Takes Home Nine Awards at 2021 PRSA Paper Anvils

Nebraska PRSA bestowed Bozell with nine awards during the virtual Paper Anvil ceremony on Thursday afternoon. The creative marketing and PR agency took home three awards of excellence and six awards of merit, earning the highest scores in the marketing consumer services and website categories.

Awards of merit are given for work that meets set goals, whereas awards of excellence are reserved for projects that achieve superior results.

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January 26th, 2021


Episode 11: Being a Woman in Advertising – The Good, The Bad & The Interesting

Being a successful woman in business is no easy task. And in this episode of Marketing Then & Now, Bozell President Robin Donovan is sharing all the struggles and successes she faced along the way – from “sexual tensions” while working in media buying during the Mad Men era in New York City to moving to the Midwest and becoming co-owner of a completely women-owned agency. Join us as Robin offers stories and advice to the many eager women who are looking to pave their way in this industry and get a seat at the table.

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January 22nd, 2021

Kerrey Lubbe

How to Stay Creative in 2021

Let’s face it. Creativity has taken a bit of a hit ever since the pandemic started. Working from home, virtual brainstorms – it all takes its toll on our artistic minds and spirits. But with a new year comes the chance for a new start. So I’ve asked members of our creative team at Bozell to share with me how they reignite their creative flames. And here’s what they had to say.

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January 6th, 2021


Seven PR & Social Media Predictions for 2021

If you’re looking for a good laugh, type “Jan. 1, 2020 headlines” into your search engine. Some of my favorites are “the most anticipated buildings set to shape the world in 2020” from CNN, “the bull market is charging into 2020” from The Wall Street Journal, and “12 things our critics are looking forward to in 2020” in The New York Times’ Arts section.

This time last year we were all blissfully ignorant of what was to come – marketers included. Among the long list of lessons we’ve learned from the pandemic is that we can’t say for certain what tomorrow will bring. It’s in that spirit that I made this list of predictions for 2021. Read More

December 29th, 2020

Episode 10: Leveraging Software to Improve B2B Marketing & Sales

If you own or work for a B2B company, you’ve most likely experienced some difficulty acquiring new clients and/or cross-selling your current client base. With the absence of trade shows and in-person meetups, reaching your target audience has become more and more complicated. Luckily, in this episode of Marketing Then & Now, we invited our first outside guest, Joey Knecht. Joey is CEO and managing director of Proteus—a sales enablement platform that helps complex B2B sales teams engage with buyers and stakeholders—and we’ve worked with him to take our clients’ B2B strategies to the next level. Not only does Joey understand the difficulties B2B companies are facing, he knows how to successfully navigate through this changing world of B2B sales. So tune in, listen up, and enjoy all the knowledge Joey has to give.

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December 2nd, 2020


Episode 9: Add Some Animation to Your Advertising

Animation opens up the possibilities for marketers in terms of promoting a product, explaining a service or even just engaging a consumer. And in this episode of Marketing Then & Now, on-staff animator, Kyle Theobald, explains just how powerful and versatile animation can be. From GIFs to white-board animation to 3D, it allows you to send a shoe to the moon, bring a 2D square to life, or simply give the world a video comprised entirely of “rear ends just tootin’ on things.” … Yes, Kyle created a very famous fart video called Final Fart, which has been viewed nearly 50M times across a multitude of platforms. So join us as we talk to him about how his video gained traction and how the many different types of animation can help you along your marketing journey. 

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September 9th, 2016


Social Media Dos & Donts: September 11

Update notice: For our 2023 advice, visit The Dos and Don’ts of Posting on 9/11.

This Sunday marks the fifteenth anniversary of the September 11 attacks. Many of us have children who were born post, 9/11 – according to LoHud.com, freshman high school classes are now the first generation of students who were not yet born when the United States was attacked in 2001. 

Around this time each year, leaders and brands begin to make the decision on how they will commemorate this day. They also question whether it’s appropriate to draw attention to any other topic on September 11 at all, even if it is an extremely positive one. For example, this Sunday is also Grandparent’s Day – a “fun-filled”, family event that has occurred on the first Sunday after Labor Day ever since then-President Jimmy Carter signed it into law in August of 1978.

So how do companies show respect and highlight other positive events taking place, such as Grandparent’s Day? 

Through our research, we’ve found that many organizations are actually encouraging conversations about both of these topics. They’re planning to highlight the connection of love and family with the immensely life-changing events that occurred in the United States. This two-pronged approach is aiming to facilitate conversations with grandparents and their families about the gravity of 9/11 – especially now that many of these grandchildren weren’t even alive when it happened.

Bozell’s suggestions:

  • Plan to publish a post about September 11 on your social channels. Perhaps early in the morning, so your community can share and be part of this important conversation. Example: Today, we honor and remember the lives lost on September 11th. 
  • Later in the day, if you’d like to be part of Grandparent’s Day, you could invite additional conversations with a second post. Example: Happy Grandparent’s Day! How are you celebrating the special people in your life today?

All in all, before posting about this event, brands and businesses need to know their audiences and develop appropriate posts based on their fan base.

The best piece of marketing advice (which may seem obvious, but unfortunately, still isn’t to some advertisers): Never connect September 11 to a sale. Ever.

November 30th, 2020


2020 Marketing Trends Bingo

Play our 2020 Marketing Trends Bingo game and see how many of this year’s major trends you or your agency used in your marketing strategies.

Trend #1: Socially Distanced Logos

To encourage people to follow the new practice of social distancing during the early months of the pandemic, Coke spaced out its iconic logo in one of their billboards in Times Square. Several other companies followed suit.

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