
Email Marketing

May 21st, 2020


Everyone Wants to Help Small Businesses Through COVID-19

But Who Really Means It and Who’s Just Masking a Lame Attempt to Get Our Money?

That’s a huge new thing. I get numerous emails every day from companies claiming to be experts that want to help us through this pandemic – but who really means it?

Many do. My bank and law firm, and even my CPA firm send me critical information on what grants and loans are available and what rules are in place, Read More

April 29th, 2020

Jim Minge

Storytime with Bozell

Here’s why you’ll never look at blogs the same again.

What’s his story? What’s her story? What’s your story? Hey, want to hear a good story?

Of course you do. We all want to hear a good story. We have since we were children.

Oh, the Places Your Brand Will Go: Why Parents Should Read to Their Children, and Why Your Business Should Care

Here’s a fun stat: Kids who are read one short book per day enter kindergarten hearing 290,000 more words than kids whose parents didn’t read to them. Read More

Case StudyPrint

King Retail Solutions

September 16th, 2011

Play Well With Email Filters

With the increased use of advanced email filters, user want control over how they receive communications. As the sender, you have less and less control over how the message appears in someone’s inbox. By segmenting your email communications out to different addresses, you give the end user more control over how they filter your communications.

June 20th, 2011


Good Clients Make Good Friends

I ran across this post today and really like it. Sometimes in the day-to-day stress of the job we need a little reminder.
Treat clients like friends:

Understand they have bad days, good days, days they need you and days they need to be left alone
Give them a second chance if they make a mistake
Give them a hand when you can
They have different levels of knowledge (sometimes you have to walk them through things)
Show them something new, Read More

April 20th, 2011

How to Play Nice With Spam

We’ve all been there. Sitting in front of our computers and watching the stream of new emails inundating our inboxes. Then you spend minutes trying to sift through them. This one is a client, this one is a marketing email and this one is “spam”. Read More

September 29th, 2010


Four ways you can leverage email to strengthen other marketing channels

Link to Social Media Sites – If you company is already utilizing social networking sites for marketing then you are in good shape. Creating icons and linking to your social networking sites is quick and simple. Before you go down this road however, consider the customers thought process. Is there a strong value for them to engage with you in social media? You may need to consider offering social media exclusive content and offers to get your email users to convert. Read More

September 22nd, 2010


10 Email Etiquette Tips

Email is the lifeblood of many organizations, yet it is amazing how poorly so many people use email. Read More

August 3rd, 2010


A Simple Way to Improve Your Writing

Most people use three different sentence formats when they write. With only these three variations your writing can get monotonous. If you expand your repertoire to include six additional sentence formats your writing will automatically seem more sophisticated and be more appealing to the reader. Don’t let the “grammar” scare you, once you read the examples it all starts to make sense. Here are the different formats that can transform your writing and they’re very simple to master if you use these guidelines:
Main clause: subject + verb + completers

Jeremiah walked home. Read More

July 6th, 2010


Be Kind. Don’t Flame.

Have you ever found yourself responding to an email in anger?  I know sometimes I’m tempted to send off a little terse response. But with email it’s tough enough to communicate an approachable tone even on a good day, that a little terse-ness, even sarcasm, can make you sound like a total jerk. So think before you click send…save a draft, go get a cup of coffee, walk around, and imagine that tomorrow morning someone has taped your e-mail outside your door. Read More