

August 10th, 2023

Kerrey Lubbe

Is AI Ethical in Marketing? Here’s One Human’s Professional Opinion

The answer is yes and no. How’s that for annoying?

Wait! Don’t go anywhere just yet. Give me a chance to explain.

For any marketers who are still choosing to ignore AI as if it’s a fad, or, even worse, getting defensive about how AI “can’t do what I do,” I urge you to stop that immediately. To bury your head in the sand is not only disadvantageous to your career, but you’re also potentially doing your clients a disservice. Plus, no one wants to get left in the dust, and that’s exactly where you’ll be if you don’t read the rest of this article and shift your perspective.

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June 1st, 2022


Episode 24: Art Direction in Today’s World of Advertising and Nonprofits

Art direction can be a powerful thing when done well, proven true in this episode of Marketing Then and Now. Senior art director Heather McCain talks to us about her overarching creative philosophy, how the world of art direction has evolved over the years, and what her experience has been as a marketing expert on the board of the Refugee Empowerment Center – including her efforts in rebranding the nonprofit and then spearheaded a candle-selling campaign that brought in a regular monthly income for the nonprofit and offered a way for female refugees to make an income, gain on-the-job experience and learn English. 

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May 19th, 2022


You’re Not Lazy. You’re Just Burnt Out.

We see you. Tired. Having trouble concentrating. Uninspired. But we’re not here to call you out for being lazy and procrastinating. We’re here to tell you you’re just burnt out.

What is burnout?

The World Health Organization defines burnout as a “syndrome conceptualized as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed.” Although first defined in 2019, the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic has not only brought more attention to burnout and its long-term effects but has also shed light on just how rampant burnout is among working individuals.

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May 10th, 2022

Andy Spaulding

Hey, Vern, Let’s Remember an Advertising Icon

It’s not often that an agency’s operations manager feels compelled to write a blog post. After all, we work “on the business,” not “in the business.” I’m admittedly no expert in the field. But, as those who know me can attest, it’s probably most fitting that this news comes from me:

The world of advertising lost a grossly under-appreciated icon with the passing of John Cherry III on Sunday, May 8, 2022.

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May 4th, 2022


Episode 23: Hey, Whipple, Get a Load of This Copywriting Insight

You’ll definitely believe in the power of the written word after listening to this month’s episode of Marketing Then & Now. Inspired by the advertising bible, Hey, Whipple, Squeeze This, associate creative director (and previous senior copywriter) John Vogel shares his philosophy and personal approach to copywriting. He discusses how it has changed over the years, including his take on the wonderful world of AI – like Jasper.ai, an AI copywriting tool. Packed full of dad jokes and clever puns (ones that won’t make your eyes roll), you won’t want to miss this insightful and delightful episode. 

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January 14th, 2022

Laura Spaulding

100 Years of Staying Close to the Customer

I recently read a Fast Company article entitled, “Three Essentials to Strong Agency-Client Relationship.” Its tips include:

  1. Remember why they hired you.
  2. Overcommunicate and anticipate needs.
  3. Don’t neglect the relationship.

Close to the Customer: A Bozell Tradition

As I was reading the explanations for each, I realized that they all rolled up to one mantra that Bozell has been emphasizing for 100 years: Close to the Customer.

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December 17th, 2021

Laura Spaulding

Bozell’s 2021 Holiday Sing-along Switch-up

Do you hear that?

The year is coming to an end. And what better way to celebrate the holiday than to reflect on all the craziness we’ve endured? So scroll down, hit play and sing along to these traditional holiday tunes with a not-so-traditional 2021 twist.

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November 19th, 2021

Laura Spaulding

100 Years of Embracing Change

By almost all accounts, 2020 was a devastating year for the ad industry. According to Forrester, ad agencies lost nearly 50,000 jobs globally – that’s more than double what was lost in the 2008 recession. (Source) And while the industry is still working to come out the other side and find “the new normal,” one thing is certain – we must adapt or we die.

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November 10th, 2021


Rebranding Facebook: Everyone has an Opinion

Image Credit: Facebook.com

Rebranding a giant like Facebook is an impossible task – a no-win situation that will be examined by everyone. So that’s just what we did. Three Bozellers share their takes on Facebook turned Meta.

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November 5th, 2021


20 Years of Owning a Business

As of November 1, 2021, I have been a business owner for 20 years. That is not something I ever expected to be able to say. I started my career as a secondary English teacher with no thought of ever owning any kind of business. Eventually, I found myself in an entry-level position in an iconic Connecticut ad agency with a legendary owner. Watching this man work his magic on clients, prospects and staffers alike, it would never have dawned on me that I, too, could command the respect and awe, and yes, there was a measure of mockery, that the great invariably draw.

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