

August 20th, 2019


Beyond #WomenInSports

Photo © Yahoo! Sports

Sports have been a part of my entire life. I’m fairly certain I was shooting hoops before I could walk. I often played a pickup game of Wiffle Ball every day after school with neighborhood friends. I carried that love of sports and transformed it into running as an adult.

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July 29th, 2019


Cultivating a Healthy Gen Z Consumer Base Using Social Media

Last week, I became the proud owner of my dream plant – a beautiful 10” monstera deliciosa. I drove home from the nursery with the plant belted into my passengers’ seat and called my parents when I got home to tell them about the newest edition to my 29-member plant family. Read More

July 18th, 2019


The Branding of Stranger Things

Image © Netflix

I recently had the opportunity to binge-watch Season 3 of Stranger Things on Netflix and spoiler alert – it doesn’t disappoint. (Note: I will keep this spoiler-free in case you haven’t had the chance to get through the full season yet.) But I would like to discuss the branding and product placement that was rampant throughout the show.

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July 12th, 2019


Diet Woke or Nope?

At Bozell, we pride ourselves on being an open environment that fosters ideas and varying points of view. The freedom from being judged for having a differing opinion is how we never settle and strive to generate the best work for our clients. Below is an example of how two Bozellers saw a campaign and had contrasting reactions.

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July 3rd, 2019


Brands Are Winning Big Because Kids Are Shopping Small

When I was a kid, I used to love playing grocery store. My siblings and I would tape up old cereal boxes, wash out Tide bottles and anxiously wait until an egg carton was empty so we could collect it. Now, as a 20-year-old intern and a big sister of three little girls under the age of 10, I get to see a whole new generation of children get hooked on playing grocery store. Only this time, instead of a life-size grocery store filled with personally selected inventory, children are shopping small, with products that are a surprise even to the grocer.

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June 20th, 2019


Forget Spin. PR is About Doing the Right Thing.

I don’t remember how we got word of the deaf advocacy protest. A staffer may have seen it on social media or the Department of Human Services might have given us a heads up. Either way, when it came across my desk, I have to admit, I was not exactly enthused.

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June 12th, 2019


Cancel Culture: What it Means for Influencers and Brands

If you’re an avid watcher of YouTube, like myself, you probably noticed yet another YouTube “scandal” a couple of weeks ago. A classic tale of he said, she said. For one YouTuber in the beauty community, this resulted in a few million subscribers lost, unfollows from close friends, a few nasty tweets, and an overall rough week.

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June 5th, 2019


Topsy Turvey World or Conscious Capitalism

Last week I attended the Do More Good Conference in Lincoln, NE. Rand Stagen, the co-founder of Conscious Capitalism, was one of the speakers.

As I understand it, put simply, the world and its people used to be governed by religion and thereby compelled to “do good.” Business was kind of a bad seed – it was Capitalism. A dog-eat-dog mindset was encouraged.

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May 20th, 2019


Confidence in Women as Entrepreneurs

I recently read an article by Carol Roth about the 76 Challenges That Women Have to Overcome in Entrepreneurship. Seventy-six different professionals weighed in on the question and about 90 percent of the answers were the same: Women, and everyone else in the world, don’t have enough confidence in women.

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April 30th, 2019


Maybe You Should Sleep On It

If you’ve ever had a dream (most of us), you know they can be fun, interesting and wildly bizarre. For instance, my last dream had the lush setting of the Ritz Carlton where I was stuck in a glass elevator with Michael Keaton and Ryan Reynolds, all of us wearing bright green St. Patrick’s Day outfits and holding French bulldogs. Before you can judge me, I’m sure you’ve had weirder dreams than that.

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