

March 20th, 2020


Design Just Might Save Lives

“Flatten the curve.” Thanks (or no thanks) to COVID-19, this phrase has become part of our daily vocabulary. It’s everywhere: in headline news, on social media, and chats between co-workers and friends. Just one month ago, we hadn’t even heard of it, even though this debilitating disease was sweeping through Asia.

Fast forward to today and we are in the midst of a global pandemic. For me, it feels unworldly. It’s like we’re trapped in an apocalyptic sci-fi movie except there’s no Brad Pitt in sight to save us. It’s overwhelming and brings on that sense of helplessness when we feel that there’s nothing we can do.

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March 18th, 2020


Answers for Uncertain Times: A Q&A with Kim Mickelsen, CEO of Bozell

Q. What can businesses do during the global crisis caused by the pandemic?

A. I know it sounds strange but think and imagine. When times are good, we don’t take the time to think because we are busy getting things done. Now is the time to think and analyze. Worry and anxiety won’t get it done. The business world will be drastically different in a few months. Step back a bit and prepare for that future.

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March 13th, 2020

Kerrey Lubbe

Social Distancing for Social People (and Others)

As an expressive extrovert who rarely turns down a chance to spend time with friends and family, it crushes my soul a little to think there will be no hugs and high fives during these uncertain times of Coronavirus. (Though I know it secretly makes my introverted friends very happy.)

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March 12th, 2020



Fisher-Price launched a brand refresh effort in December of 2019. The work done by Pentagram, Wieden+Kennedy and Fisher-Price is a masterclass on brand expression. The coordination of different agencies, contrasted brand history, varied expressions across multiple touchpoints for multiple products, and a pitch-perfect execution like this doesn’t happen by accident. You would be forgiven if you thought that with money, size, and ubiquity, a brand refresh effort like this would be relatively common. Not easy, but certainly not a risky endeavor. Almost templated.

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March 11th, 2020


Brand Expression Served Up Hot

Real quick, Google “Wendy’s Social Media Strategy.” Hell, you may have already done this before. Their performance on Twitter is the stuff of advertising legend. #nuggsforcarter is a national movement. You can take marketing classes that chronologically break down and dissect their social media methods. Their snark is served up fresher, hotter and faster than their square-shaped burgers. Their brand is crystal clear. Fearless, relevant, engaged and fast. That’s their brand, right? Or is it?  

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March 5th, 2020


It’s Story Time with Your Host, Twitter

A screenshot of a cell phone

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With new developments in facial recognition software (hello, Clearview AI), online hackers becoming more and more sophisticated and privacy concerns growing amid social media users, it’s no wonder the average person is turning inward to reflect on just exactly who they’re sharing their content with. People are starting to opt for Close Friends Stories on Instagram and private Facebook Groups to ensure their content is going to only people they trust.

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February 27th, 2020


Bozell Wins 18 Nebraska ADDYs

Advertising agency Bozell won four gold and 14 silver awards at the 2020 American Advertising Awards Nebraska banquet, which took place on Saturday, Feb. 22, at the Scoular Ballroom. These awards were won on behalf of client work spanning across eight clients and multiple categories.

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February 20th, 2020

Kerrey Lubbe

Mold Never Looked So Good

Okay, I’ll bite.

Burger King released its The Moldy Whopper ad campaign yesterday and it has a lot of marketers and consumers talking. Why? Because it’s gross and brilliant all at the same time.

How much do I love this commercial?

Let me count the ways.

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February 17th, 2020


This Article Contains Opinions of a Graphic Nature

Frida Mom makes products that help you care for your new baby and for yourself, post-delivery. In their words, “Babies are cute. Parenting isn’t always. For all those perfect moments, there’s Instagram. For everything else, we’ve got you.” Need a tool to get the stubborn snot out of your baby’s nose? They’ve got you. Suffer from serious pain, postpartum? They’ve got plenty of things to help. From a branding perspective, they absolutely know who they are and who their audience is.

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February 12th, 2020

Laura Spaulding

So You Want an Internship, Do Ya?

With AAF Omaha’s Meet the Pros next week, and Bozell’s Summer Internship Program applications due the week after that, I wanted to share my thoughts and tips on how to get an internship.

Note: While I have helped lead and coordinate our internship program for years, all of this advice is my opinion. Other businesses, and even other mentors within Bozell, might have different attitudes, viewpoints and thoughts about these items.

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