
Strategy & Planning

December 29th, 2020

Episode 10: Leveraging Software to Improve B2B Marketing & Sales

If you own or work for a B2B company, you’ve most likely experienced some difficulty acquiring new clients and/or cross-selling your current client base. With the absence of trade shows and in-person meetups, reaching your target audience has become more and more complicated. Luckily, in this episode of Marketing Then & Now, we invited our first outside guest, Joey Knecht. Joey is CEO and managing director of Proteus—a sales enablement platform that helps complex B2B sales teams engage with buyers and stakeholders—and we’ve worked with him to take our clients’ B2B strategies to the next level. Read More


First National Bank – Born and Raised

October 9th, 2020


How Brands Can be Ready in an Age When Crisis is the Norm

“Nine times out of ten, it’s not a crisis.” That’s what I often told myself when I worked for a governor. The mantra was one of the things that helped me keep my cool when the pressure mounted from large volumes of letters, emails, calls, and social media comments from constituents and reporters.

Eight hundred emails from constituents on Syrian refugees?

The response can wait until the Department of Social Services weighs in.

Reporters camped outside demanding an answer on the transgender bathroom bill? Read More

August 26th, 2020


Episode 6: Why a Customer-centric Marketing Strategy Works Best

Creating a solid marketing strategy is no easy feat. But as someone who has led successful marketing campaigns for a number of well-known clients (like Warner Brothers and TD Ameritrade), Jackie Miller, Bozell’s CMO, shares some helpful insights in this month’s episode of Marketing Then & Now. From putting the client at the center of your planning to redefining the word “stakeholder,” Jackie offers insightful thought-starters on how to better understand your audience and put together a marketing strategy that is as efficient as it is effective. Read More

August 14th, 2020


Three Ts Every Social Media Strategist Should Live By 

Imagine the Statue of Liberty. She’s a little over 300 feet tall. Crazy enough, that just happens to be the average number of feet of content a person scrolls through their phone each day.

Say whaaat? 

So, in a world where there is more content on your phone than ever before, how do you stand out? I can’t give you a magical secret recipe, but I can offer the three Ts that I go by, that’ll also give your business’ social strategy a fighting chance.  Read More

July 27th, 2020


Not All Flour is The Same

King Arthur Flour recently showed up on AdAge’s list of “America’s Hottest Brands 2020” which highlights brands that are thriving during tough times.

This got me thinking. It’s just flour, right? Isn’t all flour the same? How brand loyal to a commodity can consumers really be? Well, after further investigation, King Arthur makes it hard for you to turn a blind eye. King Arthur has a consistent, authentic voice. One that represents its employee-owned heritage. Read More

July 6th, 2020


Stop, Breathe and Consider the Future

Most businesses found themselves in reactionary mode amid the pandemic – we need to increase production, update our digital capabilities, start advertising about how we’re here for you and our contactless options … the list goes on and on. Chances are, you’re still in reactionary mode or just trying to catch up on all the projects that were put on the backburner. But, what if, instead of trying to catch up you took a moment to stop and think about the future. Read More

April 16th, 2020


Where are you on the rebrand scale?

So, you think you want to rebrand. After all, companies rebrand all the time, right?

Maybe you feel like you’ve lost touch with your customer base. Or maybe you want to expand market share. Maybe your brand isn’t capturing and representing your core values as much as you would like. Or maybe your company needs to make a clean break with a troubled past and introduce itself anew to the marketplace.

But do you know how much of a change you’ll need to make to
your brand? Read More

BroadcastCampaignCase StudyDigitalPrint

First Responders Foundation

March 18th, 2020


Answers for Uncertain Times: A Q&A with Kim Mickelsen, CEO of Bozell

Q. What can businesses do during the global crisis caused by the pandemic?

A. I know it sounds strange but think and imagine. When times are good, we don’t take the time to think because we are busy getting things done. Now is the time to think and analyze. Worry and anxiety won’t get it done. The business world will be drastically different in a few months. Step back a bit and prepare for that future. Read More