
Smile! You’re on YouTube

November 20th, 2008

WildSmiles Brackets are patented braces with unique shapes: stars, flowers, footballs, diamonds, and circles. The product allows consumers to have fun with their braces experience and be individual in the way they design their mouth.

The average age for children to receive braces is 12-16 years old. Naturally, children entering this age range were our target audience. More specifically though, our primary target audience consisted of those children who already shaped their peers’ opinions by regularly offering ideas and experiences concerning braces. The goal was to spread awareness of WildSmiles custom braces brackets to a large geographic area with a very limited budget.

YouTube has roughly 71 million users with children aged 12-16 being the largest single age group using it. Bozell found a way to stand out in the crowd and impact our target audience.

We filmed a short viral video that featured real opinions from kids with braces. This video became the icon video for a YouTube video contest and group. We then promoted the contest by searching out other YouTube users who were also peer influencers on the subject of braces and encouraged them to join our group. You can view the contest and its videos at www.youtube.com/group/wildsmiles.

Even with tiny budget, the four-month contest produced better than expected results. The contest also spurred hundreds of comments on other videos, groups and users’ pages. One nice aspect to this contest is that all of the content produced and shared will now live forever online. It is searchable forever. The contest also helped drive traffic to the company Web site. The contest resulted in more than 4,600 views of WildSmiles Braces branded videos. This number will continue to grow without aid as long as it is up. Additionally, the Wildsmiles Web site, www.wildsmiles4you.com, saw a 20% increase in traffic.
