
Toyota Sienna – What Were You Thinking?

April 21st, 2010

First Toyota – sorry to kick you when you’re down. Up to now I’ve always been a fan. In fact I’ve had a Toyota Sienna for a few years. Your recent ad campaign has made me question my selection. Apparently Sienna drivers are either self-deceived young moms who try to pass themselves off as “hot babysitters” and see how many times they’ll get hit on or fussy flaky Dads who take their trikes and run home when someone copies them and gets a Sienna.

OK OK I get that this is all about the humor. And no one loves humor more than I. But very honestly, I want to feel a little brand pride in what I own – especially if it cost a bundle. And honestly, I’m starting to feel as though I’ll have to hide my Sienna so no one knows it’s mine.

When the ads run my first reaction is to laugh at these foolish people but my next thought is “Oh %#&*@@, am I one of them?”
