
The Art of Negotiation

February 26th, 2010

  • Know what you want. Sit down and work out exactly what you want to achieve.
  • Find out what’s available. Do your homework.
  • Re-evaluate your goals: If you had seriously underestimated the price, you may need to re-think.
  • ‘Arm’ yourself. Knowledge is power, so make sure you understand everything doing into the proposal or contract.
  • Remember who’s the customer
  • Admit what you don’t know. If you need something explained, ask.
  • Don’t let them ‘blind you with science’ or fancy bells and whistles. Any good salesman can use technical terms to gloss over drawbacks – or to sell ‘benefits’ you don’t really want or need. Make them repeat themselves in layman’s terms, then take a good look at what they’ve just said.
  • It’s a give and take process. Don’t be too inflexible.
