
Carving a Place Among the Competition

November 19th, 2008

Cabinetmaker turned inventor Bill Friegang had been building cabinets for more than three decades when he finally decided to create a tool that would remove one of the biggest hassles from his job: scribing. The QuickScribe Tool System is a set of professional-grade, cabinetmaking and woodworking scribe tools. These tools allow for perfectly shaped installation of cabinets, countertops and much more.

Although the QuickScribe, the initial product in the tool system, was developed almost 15 years ago, little had been done to promote it. Friegang dabbled with a few small ads in trade publications and gained a small amount of distribution through trusted friends. Friegang came to Bozell to gain product reviews, recognition within the industry and exposure to distributors.

This QuickScribe was a unique, professional-grade tool and a real money, but faced stiff competition from many small tools on the market.

Bozell leveraged Friegang’s vast experience in the field and targeted trade publications and online outlets that are respected for providing honest advice to professional builders. Bozell PR created a new product press kit and developed a national communications plan that culminated with a presence and media exposure at the Association of Woodworking and Furnishings Suppliers (AWFS) Trade Show.

The combination of an innovative product and a strong communications program turned out to be very successful. The national product push before the trade show garnered stories in influential trade publications such as Wood Digest, WoodshopNews, WoodWeb and many more. Friegang was especially pleased by an article in the Journal of Light Construction, a publication that he had tried to gain access to years before. Since Bozell began working with Friegang, the QuickScribe Tool System and its instructional videos were featured on www.ebuild.com and the Home and Garden Television Network’s Web site. Friegang was able to track online purchase increases that correlated with the airing of these online stories. At the AWFS trade show, several potential distributors approached the QuickScribe booth.

In Friegang’s words, “The thought of thousands and thousands of people reading your finely written news release on the ebuild Web site really makes me smile! Dollar for dollar, this campaign has been many times more effective than paid advertising would have or could have been.”
