

July 28th, 2020


Episode 5: Social Media and PR Insights for the COVID-era

All it takes is a pandemic to identify which companies have smart, nimble PR and social teams in place. As Kelsey Pritchard, Head of PR and Social, explains in this month’s episode, it’s imperative for brands to balance preparation with flexibility. Because, while it’s important to have a plan and communication objectives in place, it’s equally as important to be ready and willing to react to current events and conversations happening in the world around you. Especially now. So tune in as she shares tips, insights and examples of dos and don’ts, as well as some of the most memorable PR blunders throughout history. 

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July 27th, 2020


Not All Flour is The Same

King Arthur Flour recently showed up on AdAge’s list of “America’s Hottest Brands 2020” which highlights brands that are thriving during tough times.

This got me thinking. It’s just flour, right? Isn’t all flour the same? How brand loyal to a commodity can consumers really be? Well, after further investigation, King Arthur makes it hard for you to turn a blind eye. King Arthur has a consistent, authentic voice. One that represents its employee-owned heritage. Every communication from King Arthur comes across as it would at the dinner table. It’s not salesy and full of marketing fluff. It’s honest, sometimes humorous and informative. 

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July 23rd, 2020


Launching a Podcast: Why Promotion is Almost as Crucial as Content

Now might be the time to launch that podcast you’ve been daydreaming about. After taking a sharp nosedive in March and April thanks to COVID-19, podcast growth appears to be on the rise. While many are still working from home and practicing some social distancing, the fact that more people are hopping in their cars now has increased downloads and subscribers. Plus, there are all those new listeners who tuned in to podcasts for the first time when the pandemic began and they had more downtime. Assuming we’ll all be able to return to normal life someday, many of those new fans will keep tuning in to their favorite shows.

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July 6th, 2020


Stop, Breathe and Consider the Future

Most businesses found themselves in reactionary mode amid the pandemic – we need to increase production, update our digital capabilities, start advertising about how we’re here for you and our contactless options … the list goes on and on. Chances are, you’re still in reactionary mode or just trying to catch up on all the projects that were put on the backburner. But, what if, instead of trying to catch up you took a moment to stop and think about the future. And consider what business looks like after the pandemic.

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June 30th, 2020


Bozell Receives Nine Awards at 2020 AMA Pinnacle Awards

Creative marketing communications firm Bozell received 9 industry awards, including two Pinnacles, at the 2020 American Marketing Association (AMA) Omaha Pinnacle Awards on Monday. A complete list of awards won are as follows:

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June 26th, 2020


Welcome to the Gen Z Era

Sorry, millennials, your reign is over. Alas, it was short-lived, and we’ll always remember you for your avocado toast, but a new generation stepped up to the plate: Generation Z. Gen Z, born between 1995 and 2015, grew up in the Internet age. They think mail has always been digital and video chats were second nature to them even before COVID-19. They are confident, empathetic, diverse, independent and adaptable. And, even though many of them may only be kids, they know the power of their own voice and are compelled to use it when they feel wrongs are happening in the world.

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June 18th, 2020


Episode 4: Why Advertising is Less Effective if Your UI/UX is Not on Point

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Ever wonder why your ads are not converting as much as you’d like? Or why your visitors are not staying on your website for very long? In this episode, senior UI/UX designer Justin Henriksen explains why it doesn’t matter how great your advertising is if you’re not thinking through the UI and UX on the other side of the ad. He helps us understand the difference between the two, as well as how both should work together to create a “holistic customer journey” that will support your business objectives and keep your customers happy.

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May 21st, 2020


Everyone Wants to Help Small Businesses Through COVID-19

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But Who Really Means It and Who’s Just Masking a Lame Attempt to Get Our Money?

That’s a huge new thing. I get numerous emails every day from companies claiming to be experts that want to help us through this pandemic – but who really means it?

Many do. My bank and law firm, and even my CPA firm send me critical information on what grants and loans are available and what rules are in place, and this is ongoing communication since things are changing constantly. Although they never claim to be experts as so many do, their guidance and advice are invaluable.

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May 7th, 2020


Now more than ever, we’re here to help. Together.

“We’re in this together.”

“In times like this.”

“Now more than ever.” 

“We’re here to help.”

Not long after the spread of COVID-19 in the U.S., we became bombarded by TV commercials and Facebook ads from various brands saying these same phrases. Over and over. So much so, that one of my co-workers pointed out we could be playing advertising bingo every night with all of these now mundane phrases.

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May 5th, 2020


Does COVID-19 Force A Choice Between Medical Health vs. Mental Health?

COVID-19 has instilled fear in everyone worldwide, and drastic measures are being taken to ensure the highest level of medical safety and keep this dreaded disease from spreading. The basic tenet behind these measures is known as social distancing – i.e. stay at home alone unless you need to shop for the basics to survive, and then plan carefully so you can get in, get what you need and get right back out and home again.

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