

December 12th, 2016


Free Ad Day: Exhilarating, Exhausting & Very Worth It

As a creative director, I constantly bemoan what I see as the worst thing that has happened to the ad industry over my career (no, it’s not the advent of the celebrity creative director.) Hang around me long enough, and you’re bound to hear me say “It used to be about ‘what’s the best idea you can have.’ Today, it’s ‘what’s the best idea you can have RIGHT NOW!?!’” Timelines have always been a challenge, but now it’s absolute madness. Read More

December 7th, 2016


Free Ad Day: From Sheer Doubt … to Making a Difference

“I’ve learned that you shouldn’t go through life with a catchers mitt on both hands. You need to be able to throw something back.” – Maya Angelou

I love that quote. And it’s how I try to live my life. So it’s great that I work somewhere that also has those values. Case in point is our recent 95th anniversary celebration. Read More

November 11th, 2016

Free Ad Day

Bozell is celebrating its 95th anniversary, and after all those years of doing work for clients big and small, we’re giving back by offering up our creative team to ANYONE…to design anything. For free. Read More

November 4th, 2016

College of Saint Mary Names Bozell Agency of Record

Bozell, a full-service advertising and public relations agency, has been named agency of record for College of Saint Mary. Read More

October 28th, 2016


In Memorial of Vine

Update: Announced on Friday, December 16, Twitter is not ‘killing’ Vine, it’s turning it into Vine Camera, an app that will continue to let users take six-second videos. The videos won’t be shared to Vine’s platform, which is still being discontinued, but can be shared on Twitter or saved to users’ phones.

Do it for the Viiine! Do it for the – well, not anymore. As unexpectedly announced on Medium yesterday, the looping video app is being discontinued by Twitter in the coming months. Read More

October 18th, 2016

Detroit Doctor Dissed by Delta, Google’s Mobile-Only Search Index … and Miranda Sings?

Need to find better ways to repurpose your content? Not exactly sure what Blockchain is?  Read More

October 5th, 2016


The Real Price of Over Exposure

Kim Kardashian has millions of followers. She has built an empire based on no known talent or skill. Her ace in the hole is her ability to get herself noticed and talked about, often posing in the nude or nearly nude. She is the reigning queen of social media and has a fortune to show for it. Read More

September 28th, 2016

Laura Spaulding

After 95 Years

Last week, the Omaha World-Herald wrote a wonderful article about our 95th anniversary. And after 95 years, and 15 years of independence, we couldn’t be more excited about where we are as a company. Read More

September 19th, 2016


It’s Official! Twitter Updates Character Count

The long awaited and highly anticipated Twitter updates are now live. After teasing several features on their blog almost four months ago, Twitter announced today that certain content will no longer count toward the 140 character limit.  Read More

September 16th, 2016


Thank you!

This year we celebrate two important milestones: 95 years since Leo Bozell and Morris Jacobs started the agency in 1921 and 15 years of independence since we bought it back in 2001. So we’ll be doing a few things over the next few months to commemorate the milestones. But today we want to say thank you. To clients and employees both current and past. And to Omaha, our home for the past 95 years. We wouldn’t be here without you. Cheers!
