

May 7th, 2020


Now more than ever, we’re here to help. Together.

“We’re in this together.”

“In times like this.”

“Now more than ever.” 

“We’re here to help.”

Not long after the spread of COVID-19 in the U.S., we became bombarded by TV commercials and Facebook ads from various brands saying these same phrases. Over and over. So much so, that one of my co-workers pointed out we could be playing advertising bingo every night with all of these now mundane phrases.

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May 5th, 2020


Does COVID-19 Force A Choice Between Medical Health vs. Mental Health?

COVID-19 has instilled fear in everyone worldwide, and drastic measures are being taken to ensure the highest level of medical safety and keep this dreaded disease from spreading. The basic tenet behind these measures is known as social distancing – i.e. stay at home alone unless you need to shop for the basics to survive, and then plan carefully so you can get in, get what you need and get right back out and home again.

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May 4th, 2020


Episode 3: From Iconic Campaigns to the “New Normal of Business”

CEO Kim Mickelsen’s interview starts off with some really fascinating insights into the challenges, strategies, positioning and execution of two very iconic campaigns – Pork The Other White Meat and Milk Mustache. Then she gets into how the breadth of the competitive landscape and the buying experience in general has changed drastically, so it’s all the more important to know who you are as a company/brand and understand how you need to position yourself in this “new normal of business.” 

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May 4th, 2020


Episode 2: How Creative + Integration = Better Results

Creative Director Dan Cooper discusses the age-old ad agency stereotype – that it’s creative versus account service and blood will be shed. He quickly puts the dated myth to rest, detailing the importance of each discipline within an agency working together, learning from one another and being open to different perspectives and solutions. Because, that’s how you truly get the best result in the end.

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May 4th, 2020


Episode 1: Paid Media 10 Years Ago vs. Now

From his favorite VHS tape as a kid to his love of streaming live episodes of The Bachelor, Director of Communications Mike Gilloon takes us on a journey of the ever-changing landscape of media. Over the last 10 years, there’s been a drastic change; people are now able to consume and watch content in many different ways. But what may seem like a challenge also presents opportunities for marketers to target a very specific consumer. And no matter how much new technology becomes available, the basic wants and needs of human beings remain the same – they still want person-to-person connections and experiences that make them feel alive. 

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April 29th, 2020

Jim Minge

Storytime with Bozell

Here’s why you’ll never look at blogs the same again.

What’s his story? What’s her story? What’s your story? Hey, want to hear a good story?

Of course you do. We all want to hear a good story. We have since we were children.

Oh, the Places Your Brand Will Go: Why Parents Should Read to Their Children, and Why Your Business Should Care

Here’s a fun stat: Kids who are read one short book per day enter kindergarten hearing 290,000 more words than kids whose parents didn’t read to them. Read More

April 28th, 2020


Bozell Recognized as Small Business of the Year by Greater Omaha Chamber

The Greater Omaha Chamber has announced the 2020 Business Excellence Award winners, including naming Bozell as the Small Business of the Year. The Business Excellence Awards are an annual tradition recognizing regional organizations that elevate the community and make Greater Omaha a better place to live, work and play.

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April 16th, 2020


Where are you on the rebrand scale?

So, you think you want to rebrand. After all, companies rebrand all the time, right?

Maybe you feel like you’ve lost touch with your customer base. Or maybe you want to expand market share. Maybe your brand isn’t capturing and representing your core values as much as you would like. Or maybe your company needs to make a clean break with a troubled past and introduce itself anew to the marketplace.

But do you know how much of a change you’ll need to make to your brand? Rebranding carries risks as well as rewards, and it’s important to create your rebranding strategy around your actual business problems.

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March 30th, 2020

Kerrey Lubbe

Advertising During COVID-19

This is a scary time right now. There are a lot of unanswered questions. New information is being revealed every day. Things are changing constantly. People’s lives and daily routines are being turned upside down. That’s all a given. But here’s another …

Now is not the time to go silent.

People really do want to know how brands are responding to this pandemic. A couple weeks ago, our CEO, Kim Mickelsen, mentioned that now is the time for overcommunicating. And she’s absolutely right. This is the time to listen and have a respectful dialogue with them. Show consumers that you’re in this too – that you understand and have their best interest at heart.

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March 25th, 2020


Plan V is for Virtual

How to turn your annual event and/or fundraiser into a digital success.

As we are receiving daily updates from the Center of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) on COVID-19, it’s clear that we’re in a constant state of change and uncharted territory. For me personally, this means many of my loved ones are experiencing cancelation or postponement of exciting events like baby showers and weddings. But professionally, I’m seeing an impact on industries across the board and thinking of what the proper next step is. For many, it’s going virtual.

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