
Don’t Rely on SITE: Command

February 5th, 2010

How many pages has Google indexed? That basic question and the problems surrounding it run rampant through the SEO world.

If you’ve ever used the SITE: command function on Google you may have noticed some big variances when you run the queries. More and more people are complaining about just how inaccurate SITE: command actually is. People report either sudden drop in the number of results returned for site:domain.com command (with no change reported in Google Webmaster Tools) or inconsistent data (again, compared to verified Webmaster Tools account data).

Here are a few tools that will help you to check SITE: results for any of your sites to compare to regular Google:

Rand Fishkin over at SEOmoz wrote a great post: “Fortunately, there’s an easy way to get much, much better data than what the search engines provide through “site:” queries and this post is here to walk you through that process step-by-step.”
