
95th Anniversary

December 13th, 2016

Jim Minge

Free Ad Day: Your Space isn’t Free, Don’t Be a Squatter

You can do a lot in 20 minutes.
Like rejuvenate with the Five Tibetan Rites. Or become world-famous, as Warhol suggested. You can also make a fresh fruit smoothie – and drink it. Read More

December 12th, 2016


Free Ad Day: Exhilarating, Exhausting & Very Worth It

As a creative director, I constantly bemoan what I see as the worst thing that has happened to the ad industry over my career (no, it’s not the advent of the celebrity creative director.) Hang around me long enough, and you’re bound to hear me say “It used to be about ‘what’s the best idea you can have.’ Today, it’s ‘what’s the best idea you can have RIGHT NOW!?!’” Timelines have always been a challenge, but now it’s absolute madness. Read More

December 7th, 2016


Free Ad Day: From Sheer Doubt … to Making a Difference

“I’ve learned that you shouldn’t go through life with a catchers mitt on both hands. You need to be able to throw something back.” – Maya Angelou
I love that quote. And it’s how I try to live my life. So it’s great that I work somewhere that also has those values. Case in point is our recent 95th anniversary celebration. Read More