
What can blogging do for my business?

March 9th, 2009

According to Technorati’s State of the Blogosphere, blogs receive 77.7 million unique visits a month. Technorati also states that 184 million people worldwide have started a blog. It is no secret that businesses have the opportunity to connect with a lot of potential customers via blogging.

One question that I hear a lot, goes a little like this: I want to get our company blogging, but how can I convince the c-suite that this is a valuable source of their time and money during these tough economic times?

First, I would try to sell them with successful blogging case studies from similar size businesses. Second, I would refer to this list of benefits that blogging can provide to your company.

  1. Increased Exposure: Reach millions for no pay-for-play cost.
  2. Sales Leads: Connect with buyers searching for your keywords online.
  3. Make Yourself an Expert: Let the world know that you are an authority on your category. Become a resource for the media and consumers hungry for information.
  4. Build Business Connections: You never know what connection could lead to a new business partnership or referral.
  5. Build Search Engine Ranking: Google loves content and links, blogs let you develop a lot of both in a quick and easy way.
  6. Beta Test Marketing Strategies or New Offers: find out if consumers like your new marketing or price offer before you pay to advertise it.
  7. Respond to Controversy on Your Own Turf: Respond to online criticism in the safe and controllable environment of your own blog.
  8. Recruitment: Publish a lot of positive information on the work/life balance at your company. The best candidates will be do online research into your company before they accept a position.
  9. Media Relations: The media use the blogosphere as a source of story ideas, expert information and contacts. Take advantage of this opportunity to promote your business.

I hope that this short list of blogging benefits will help you convince your company to get out there. Remember the golden rule though: blogs are a conversation tool, not a publication tool.

Best of Luck,

Bill Flavell
