
What about RSS?

December 3rd, 2008

RSS IconI am often asked about RSS feeds and what they are. Some marketers are obviously having a difficult time determining whether or not they should implement an RSS feed in their marketing website. RSS (really simple syndication) is a well established marketing technology. This solution allows organizations to provide up to date content to customers and supporters with minimal effort. It is also very trackable and allows marketers to continually communicate with engaged customers and prospects by not requiring them to revisit their website to stay informed of news and product offerings.

By their very nature the content within RSS feeds is very portable.  Users and feed aggregators can republish the content. The more times content is republished on websites outside of originating website the more external links there will be linking back. This in turn will help the site’s search engine optimization and organic search rankings. Roughly 50% of modern search engine algorythms use sites of like content linking back to determine the validity of the content and giving the publisher credibility.

If you do not currently have an RSS feed I highly recommend adding one. If you content is already stored in a stand alone database or content management system the investment would be minimal while the profit by way of exposure could be quite large.
