
2012 Issue 2


Innovation on Display

Digital, Media Planning & Buying

The reinvention of online display advertising. Display advertising has been a part of our online world since 1994. However, it is overdue for a re-innovation. The boxes and rectangles that currently fill publisher’s sites desperately need an update. Almost five trillion display ads were served...

The QR Decoder

Digital, Mobile Thinking

The not-so-secret Secret behind QR Codes. QR codes (short for quick response codes) are popping up everywhere. In the last 12 months, there has been a mountain of buzz surrounding them, and a hockey-stick growth rate on usage. One report put QR code activity up 314 percent from the first quarter of...

Unplug or Cut the Cord


What’s causing the consumer disconnect? There are two parallel, culture-changing trends making news right now: “unplugging” and “cutting the cord.” These oft-interchanged labels describe a trend of consumers shifting (consciously or not) how they access TV, cable TV and mobile information...

Rock On, Sales, Rock On

Insights, Smartargeting

Leveraging Bozell Smartargeting™ to help increase business. One of the hardest things to do during a recession, even on the incline, is to convince a company that they should advertise. It’s no surprise that one of the first things cut from the budget is marketing and advertising. But...

To Pitch or Not to Pitch?


Bozell’s behind the scenes of AMC’s The Pitch. The Pitch is AMC’s new original docu-series where two advertising agencies go head-to-head to compete for a piece of real business. Of the 26,000 agencies in the world, Bozell was one of 15 agencies chosen to participate. Bozell’s main concern...