
Paper Worlds

December 14th, 2008

I picked up a British Vogue last week in the hopes gaining any creative inspiration for some retail campaigns. There was a layout that absolutely blew my mind. “Spellbound: Dream of a bewitching Christmas filled with jewels fit for a fairy tale, sparkling under a diamond moon.” Never before had I seen anything quite like this as far as art direction, innovation, lighting, materials used, etc…this article was the main reason why I bought the mag.

What made it so amazing was the work of artist Su Blackwell, whose 2D and 3D paper “book” sculptures create a surreal and magical backdrop for the winter jewelry spreads.

Here are some more examples of her work.

After looking her up online, I was able to find a commercial for a vineyard that used her talents integrated with stop motion animation. Apparently this was a different bird for her entirely since she is more used to 2D and the video involved her pushing herself into the 3D world. She is amazing!

