
Now You Can Take it Back

January 27th, 2009

Surprisingly it’s just dawning on many people that they have a digital trail that can impact their ability to land a job.  For years, we’ve routinely done a quick online search of candidates we interview. And I often shake my head at some of the things we find.  But now, YouTube’s making it easy to clean up your act as far as video comments go.

Personally I’m a little torn on this because I think it absolves people of taking responsibility, but YouTube today announced a feature that gives you the ability to delete comments you’ve made on videos — at any time. So if you made a dumb, typo-ridden, or grammatically horrific comment 2 years ago on some stupid video from your work-related email, you have a chance to clean it up.  You can now delete any and all of your idiotic YouTube comments.  Simply find your comment and click “remove” to pretend your lapse in judgment or grammar never happened.

Maybe next they can work on a way to help people be more lucid as they leave comments.
