
New-fangled Research Method

March 8th, 2012

Market research is always coming up with something new to help understand what people are up to. Measuring emotional arousal via a wristband is a new option to consider.

Shopper Sciences found several people to wear the special Affectiva wristband during 2011 Black Friday shopping. Many of the findings supported previous research about how anticipating and finding a great deal gets people excited, but standing in line is no fun. Similar for online shoppers, the checkout process showed higher levels of stress.

What is more interesting about this research is how it might be used. The Black Friday study didn’t really find anything new, but what about these possibilities?

  • Shopper research in your store: Which isles are more stress inducing? How do each of your locations compare? What about interaction with different sales associates?
  • Do different pages on your website cause different levels of stress? Usability testing is super helpful, but this wristband could offer more information that can be difficult to articulate and gathered less obtrusively compared to other non-verbal methods such as eye-tracking.
  • How do different people respond to different parts of stores? Amusement parks? Other experience oriented opportunities?

There are some interesting opportunities for this wristband. However, other research methods should continue to be implemented to supplement and explain the results.

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