
Love Your Vagina

March 29th, 2010

I thought that would get your attention and yes this is real.

Making its way to a vagina near you is the Mooncup.  “The Healthy Alternative to Tampons”.

This British product called Mooncup (currently being marketed) is a silicone menses receptacle designed to replace tampons and sanitary pads. Sort of a diaphragm meets chamber pot, it’s a flexible reservoir for menstrual fluids that you scrunch up to insert and slide out to empty.  http://loveyourvagina.com

Every woman will use an average of 12,000 sanitary products in her life, which can be replaced by one reusable Mooncup.  Well I can’t speak for all women but I must say that I would definitely have to pass on this product. 

Buying tampons every month doesn’t seem so bad now after seeing this Mooncup.  I am all for helping the environment but not at this cost.  I remember my Grandmother telling me stories about products like this back in the 30’s.  This product seems like we are going back in time not forward.  

Even though they may be able to capitalize on the environmentally-friendly woman, I still think this would be a very difficult product to market in this day and age.  It is a complete shift in mindset to go from a tampon user to a Mooncup user unless you have been brought up using something similar to this product from early womanhood. 

The Brits can keep this one.
