January 25th, 2019
Put a Marketing Professional on Your Nonprofit Board

Laura sits on the Make-A-Wish Nebraska’s Young Leaders Council.
Most nonprofit organizations have a board, or a variety of boards. Governing boards, advisory boards, working boards and more. But no matter how big or small, new or old your nonprofit is, you should have at least one marketing and/or PR professional on your board(s). Read More
January 24th, 2019
Bozell Receives 21 Awards at the 2018 PRSA Paper Anvil
Creative marketing and public relations firm Bozell received 21 awards, including 13 excellence and 8 merits, at the 2018 Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) Nebraska Paper Anvil Awards Gala.
Awards of excellence were reserved for outstanding entries that did a superior job of meeting the stated goals and in achieving results. Awards of merit are entries that meet stated goals and demonstrate good results, according to PRSA Nebraska. Read More
January 10th, 2019
Esports – What is it, and why should you care?
Esports, an entertainment sector on the rise, is the competitive scene of video games. Compared to traditional sports, you don’t need to attain a specific physique or attend a high-profile university to get scouted for playing professionally. You just need proficiency at playing a video game.
With esports gaining in popularity, so too has the viewership. In August 2018, a global survey asked respondents, “How much of your online video viewing time is spent watching sports?” and “How much of your online video viewing time is spent watching people play video games online?” 65.5% of those surveyed watched sports, and 35.5% watched esports. Read More
January 8th, 2019
The Evolution of Digital Learning

“Graduate student Kelsey Prissel inspects a crystal lattice, a geometric representation of the repeating arrangement of atoms in a mineral.” © Washington University (wustl.edu)
It’s no secret that technology has made huge advancements in the last decade. And those advancements have moved into the educational landscape with the exploration of technologies for student usage.
Inventions such as the Microsoft HoloLens have allowed students at Washington University in St. Louis and Hamilton College in Clinton, NY, to see crystal structures and anatomic make-ups in hologram form. Read More
January 2nd, 2019
Disruption in the Grocery Landscape
Traditional grocers have been losing market share to alternative formats for some time now, but with the rise of Amazon and their purchase of Whole Foods, the rate of change continues to accelerate. Walmart is also investing heavily in e-commerce and the retail giant is intent on competing with Amazon for the top spot in online grocery market share. Increasingly, consumers are gaining confidence in ordering groceries online. According to the Food Marketing Institute study conducted by Nielsen, the percentage of groceries purchased digitally is hovering around 5 percent today, AND is projected to capture more than 10 percent by 2025. Read More
December 27th, 2018
#MeToo Backlash
Sexual harassment has existed as long as sexuality has existed. In years past, some women spoke out and were vindicated, but many were humiliated and lived to regret their attempts to seek justice.
Over the years, it became clear that not all of the claims were valid, but it was also evident that far more of the legitimate complaints were left unvoiced.
Alyssa Milano’s request that victims respond to her tweet with a #metoo has changed the course of the relationship between the sexes irrevocably. The sheer volume of responses was the shot heard round the world, and that shot is not going back into the cannon. Read More
December 19th, 2018
DISH Network with the Win!

Image © Dish Network
I’ll admit, I’m still one of those people who watches live television and watches the commercials. (I like to stay up on what advertisers are doing.) And I have to say, I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed the new Dish Network TV “Road Trip” commercial where three men discuss an unfortunate purchase of an old and questionable RV. It was really funny. I even found myself rewinding the DVR to watch it again. Which I think is a great sign of a good commercial. (I know I’d be happy if someone did that to one of my commercials.) But it got me thinking about funny commercials. They’re not easy. Read More
December 14th, 2018
30 Years of Playing Santa
30 years ago. 1988. It was the year that Bozell began “adopting a family” during the holidays – meaning we provide the holiday gifts for a family in need.
We mention it a lot, but our founder Morris Jacobs always said, “We must pay rent for the space we occupy on this earth.” The reason we say it so frequently is because it is one of the values that makes Bozell … Bozell. It is engrained in our culture. Read More
December 11th, 2018
Texting Your Holiday Greeting – While Driving

Image © https://www.seeunfinishedstories.com/
With the holidays in full swing, a great deal of focus is being placed on the time crunch we’re all feeling and how that makes us take dangerous short cuts. Texting while driving is, arguably, one of the most dangerous.
A recent article focusing on Travelers’ new safe-driving campaign reminds us that there is already a plethora of videos and photos showing horrific accidents. Read More
December 6th, 2018
Think Outside the Influencer Box
“Influencer marketing is the fastest-growing online customer-acquisition method.” (Digital Marketing Institute). Word-of-mouth marketing (WOMM) is influencer marketing, and a critical component of public relations and social media strategies. Influencer marketing focuses on viewer engagement with a recommendation from someone the consumer trusts, using individuals and organizations to influence consumer decisions and provide additional brand exposure. Read More