
Hey NutriSystem. Show a Little Compassion!

March 1st, 2010

Granted, when you chose Marie Osmond as your spokesperson you had no way of knowing her son would lose his battle with depression and plummet to his death.  Nevertheless, I would suggest that you pull those “perky” “chirpy” little TV spots and allow her the ability to show the necessary decorum during this difficult time.  For your own sake if not for that of Marie or her fans. These spots are not currently helping your brand.

Let’s face it.  Anyone who knows Marie enough to be positively influenced by her is certainly aware that her son died tragically.  And they probably have a little soft spot for her.

Your continuing to run these upbeat, bordering on giddy, spots is really in poor taste (sorry for the pun – I should take my own advice).  It shows a lack of sensitivity and caring.  And what is one thing we expect from the company that Marie endorses?  What is the price of entry for the company that will help us reclaim our lives and look our best?  You said it – caring!  How can I believe that you care about me when you clearly don’t even care about Marie?

And I need to know you care about me if I’m going to trust you.

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