
Google Begins Adding Magazines to Search Results

December 10th, 2008

Google has done it again – they just announced that they are now returning search results that include magazine content within Google Book Search.

They have indexed millions of magazines from various publishers and are going to continue to add more. Hopefully we’ll see the library grow as Google gets permission for more and more titles. Similar to what you can see in their Book Search, you can view magazine covers and full pages, including advertising. I find that aspect particularly interesting given my chosen profession. 1984 personal computer articles are not only fascinating to read given where we’ve come, but they bring back some definitive memories for lifelong geeks like me.

Another point to mention: the post on Google’s blog says that they will eventually blend the magazine search results into the general Google search results – not just within the Book Search section. This exposes a huge amount of additional content to being found via organic search, and makes content published offline today a possible candidate for being found in online search tomorrow. Or whenever Google gets around to indexing your favorite magazine.

Finally, note that they aren’t simply providing the content for fun. As you work your way through magazine content the contextual ads on the right side of the layout change based on the magazine’s page content. This is huge. Think of all the relevant AdWords ads that can be served up along side relevant info. They’re also tracking which pages are being accessed in the magazine just like they can monitor which pages get clicked through to via other search results.

Organizing the world’s information, indeed.
