
Give Me a “G”

January 12th, 2009

A recent brand launch for Gatorade is worth keeping an eye on.  Titled “What’s G” – the TV spots, launched January 1, are designed to create conversation and intrigue.  http://www.youtube.com/whatsg1965
The spots leave much room for interpretation and many (my sons, who are Gatorade loyalists included) didn’t get the association that “G” is Gatorade.  I informed them after seeing the new packaging on Gatorade products at Costco.  I have to say that there was no confusion with old packaging and new – as there was not a trace of old packaging.

In visiting their website, the spots are not featured; however the “G” is prominent on the original Gatorade bottle and the products/sub brands reflect new names that coincide with videos that have been released since the launch.  www.gatorade.com

 Advertising Age reported on January 7 and 12 that it is a risky yet slow building campaign.  It appears, that based on online conversation and views on YouTube that people are talking about it.  If that is the case, then the campaign is off to successful start.  But where will it go?

The question begged is brought up in the January 7 Advertising Age article, quoting Matt Cutler, Visible Measures, “It is very lightly branded, arguably not branded at all.  And there seems to be some indication that the more you leave things open to conversation, the more conversation will occur.  In this creative, they chose to leave lots of room for conversation, but the risk is people seeing this and not knowing it’s associated with the Gatorade brand.”

That’s the big question, how much will be left to conversation, is it too much room – and what additional integration and messaging will be added – and most importantly, will the confusion in some consumers minds be resolved to the brand’s benefit?  Only time and the unfolding of the brand strategy will tell.  Keep watching!
