
Gimme, Gimme, Gimme?

November 2nd, 2011

We spend most of our lives going around believing we are rational, logical beings who make carefully weighted decisions based on objective facts in stable circumstances. Quote found here.

Of course we are! Anything less is admitting that life gets in the way of decision making. But, of course, many factors influence our decisions. Erving Goffman talked about the front and back stages of how we present ourselves. Our front stage, the one we share with others, is rational, on time, thoughtful and kind. Our backstage does not always match as it is our true self that can be selfish, greedy, and cranky, but it’s okay since these are parts of our personalities that we try not to reveal to others. The problem is when the curtain between who we are and who we want to be seen as is removed. Our front stage makes all the good decisions, or does it?

A new book talks about present bias. The idea that, I MUST HAVE THE NEW iPhone 4S (back stage emotion)! My present bias says that it’s the best iPhone yet and has features that will make my life better (front stage rationality). But will it? Will my future self feel the same way? Or, will a different mobile phone offer even better opportunities? Or, will my future self, who is not to be trusted, decide that mobile phones are useless and I need to live in a cave?

I have not read the book, but the teaser offers an interesting way to think about how and when we decide to buy something.
