
Facebook Exchange

March 13th, 2013

  • Facebook Exchange (FBX) is Facebook’s real-time bidding exchange of selected ad inventory.
  • FBX is currently the only opportunity in Facebook to offer retargeted ads or behaviorally targeted ads.
  • Announced in February 2012, but not really used until summer.
  • Currently, the clickthrough rate is about 40% lower than traditional web retargeting.
  • Price per click for real-time bidding on the web is about 80% less than on Facebook.
  • Only 12.8% of US marketers have used the opportunity, but more than 60% have bought some form of Facebook advertising.

FBX Clickthrough

The effectiveness of FBX is still under scrutiny. According to Facebook, the return is higher and Shutterfly feels their return is four times higher. As with all marketing efforts, success most likely lies within each campaign. If a desired audience is active in Facebook, that space can be important to leverage, with our without FBX.
