
Domino’s – Playing the Dillow Card – Really?

April 14th, 2011

Poor little Tate Dillow (you don’t really believe that name do you?) is Domino’s hired-gun chicken chef. Why do you think he chose to be a chicken chef? Is it because his face resembles a cartoon chicken?

Does that seem harsh?

That’s because I’m mocking this little camp creation that shows a fellow Domino’s chef along with their pr guy mocking their new chicken chef Cluck – I mean Tate – Dillow. And if it isn’t bad enough being mocked by your colleagues for being chicken-centric and probably for looking goofy – poor little Tate is being rated by the whole world. Yes, that nasty SOB Domino’s CEO has redesigned the Domino’s box to enable the whole world to judge poor sad little Dillow.


The CEO, Mr. I-am-so-very-down-to-earth-and-I-care-so-much-about-my-customers has insisted that his valued buyers get to weigh in on the future of this pathetic little guy and his chicken concoctions. They have reduced his life’s work to these three check boxes: Nope, Almost or Oh yes we did it.

Tate himself weighs in in his slight southern drawl “I hate bad chicken”. On his employers cardboard kangaroo court he comments “I – or rather Ah, did not know he was going to do that.”

If you check Tate out on YouTube you get an even sadder story. “No one really knows where my lab is.” “We call him the Lone Wolf” (oh please, you mean the wolf that raids the chicken coup?).

On his :30 tv spot Tate shows a little bit of backbone – very little. “Ah’m not excited about the box at all,” he croaks in his sad little southern chicken voice emerging from his worried looking chicken face.

What do you think – does it crack you up or is it just a tacky little cheap shot? Where do you stand on the chicken?

