
Does the Recovery Start Today?

January 20th, 2009

As I watched the inaugural festivities today, I couldn’t help but be affected by the vibe of optimism radiating from so many.  I’m no Polly Anna.  We certainly have a tough road ahead, but despite the difficult tasks to come, the last couple of days have been filled with a palatable feeling of renewal for me. A feeling that has emanated through TV sets and web pages from the millions of people excited not only by history being made, but also about the future.

It feels good to feel good. Hearing the speeches and media commentary was great, but looking at the faces of people lining Pennsylvania Ave, or standing among the 1.5 million plus in our capital and seeing the excitement was what really struck a chord in me. The reminder of what, as a country, we have accomplished in the last 45 years.

Hearing people say “he’s so cool” and knowing they mean style, not detachment, seems so strange.  When was the last time anyone referred to our President as “cool”?  When was the last time you saw thousands of people proudly wearing pop art t-shirts with the President’s face (beyond campaign staffers/supports)?

Psychologists, for months, have been talking about how our emotions affect the economy.  With all the negative media, consumer confidence has been at a low. And business in general is heavily affected by consumer mindset; some 70% of the gross domestic product (GDP) is driven by the consumer.  Negative news makes us feel fearful, and upset and angry…which can’t help but impact the economy in a negative way.

So…are we emotionally buoyed enough with hope and optimism to give the economic recovery a jump start?  The cheers as Obama walked (gutsy by the way) down Pennsylvania seems like a decent start.

Here’s to tomorrow!
