
Dairy Queen Lips Speak no Evil

May 17th, 2010

Those lips have been around for a while.  Is it just me or have they taken on a more lascivious posture within the past year or so?  In fact, they’re familiarly disturbing.  In all honesty I don’t spend a whole lot of time ruminating about the Dairy Queen lips – but when I see the ads and watch “the lips” in action they do evoke a vague sense of unease.  I mean how are a pair of lewd and in your face lips portraying the brand that has historically focused on wholesome family values?  And then dawned on me as I drove down the street with my radio on.

I was listening to a local station detailing their upcoming concerts and accompanying paraphernalia.  They urged their listening audience to watch for the mass quantities of merchandise bearing the Rolling Stones lips and tongue logo.  My first thought was “how will we be able to tell it from the Dairy Queen lips?”  And suddenly it all became clear.  Dairy Queen’s lips are startling reminders of the provocative lips and tongue logo designating the Rolling Stones.

Is this a coincidence?  Good question.  It starts to become suspect when you consider the fact that the Dairy Queen target audience consists of the parents of today, who are the later baby boomers and the gen Xer’s, along with all of their children.  The same folks who were – and still are – the avid admirers of the Stones and everything that they represented.  It came as quite a jolt.  And mostly because I had to ask myself “has the big adventure for the “Stones era” parent ceased to be the wild and reckless bashes of their youth and instead evolved into a family outing to fill their burgeoning bellies with the new big excitement in their lives – ice cream?”  Oh that would be sad.

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