
Chocolate Brown and Baby Blue – it’s Time for Us to Bid Farewell

November 8th, 2008

It is really amazing to look at color trends and the things that influence and choose them – Fashion being the biggest determiner and initiator of years past. I always thought it would be amazing to be on whatever “international” team of well-traveled jet setters making those grand choices for the world.

This year the color trends seem to follow the economic extremes – extreme and filled with opposites:

“For instance, ecological concerns mean fabrics are being made with less dye, giving them an almost vintage look. So vintage colors look very right. On the other hand, exuberant economies in countries like China and India draw us to ethnic brights – sunny yellows, true turquoises, warm oranges. Both look very cutting edge.”

There are also collisions between technology and what is natural. I think it is very interesting how the Beijing Olympics can have an effect on the color of a living room sectional in Dallas, Texas. YeeHaw.

Check out this website for more interesting information on color trends…i love it! and am very anxious and READY to put away the baby blue and chocolate brown combo. Ack. It’s soooo yesterday…  :)


Cheers for now,


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