
Changing Attitudes Toward Facebook

July 12th, 2012

Facebook has been a social media marketing staple for several years now. Even though distinct returns can seem difficult to measure, depending on campaign goals, we do know there is value in actively and authentically engaging in the space with customers. It’s safe to say that a Facebook presence is expected of many businesses. We continue to see statistics that reinforce the value.

At the same time, and as to be expected, social media is evolving. New spaces, like Pinterest, are growing and inspiring users. Mobile, in particular, is changing the social media landscape.

Mobile is such a strong influencer that speculations of future social media success rest in mobile. And yet, Facebook struggles with a mobile platform that works well within on-the-go lifestyles.

On top of mobile struggles, changes in marketing budget commitments are materializing. Marketers are frustrated with their return on investment, or lack thereof.

However, ROI measurement difficulty is true for all social media platforms. What makes Facebook important to talk about? First, it’s huge. Bigger than the other platforms right now. Second, it keeps changing. For example, the introduction of Timeline has essentially killed tabs that were great for unique campaigns. Third, it’s difficult in mobile, making it less attractive for for mobile centric users.

All of this points to changes in how people use the tool and how much marketers commit to it. Facebook is facing a turning point to evolve in ways that fit our ever changing culture or face less popularity.
