
Change is in the .gov

November 8th, 2008

Seems to me like there’s been some talk of “change” recently. Some people wanting it, some people not. Even everyone wanting change but having wildly differing opinions on what that means. Regardless of your personal political leanings, it seems like there’s something to look forward to with a new administration on the way: better and faster direct communication and information about what’s happening with the government.

Check out the new Change.gov website:


I find this pretty remarkable in several ways. First of all, just days – or even hours – after the election we have an official government site that is continuing the theme of one of the best marketed Presidential candidates ever. It’s also encouraging participation and involvement from the electorate via the internet. Do you want to know where a lot of the new voters who helped Obama get elected came from: the online community.

Did I mention that this is a government site as well? Sure, you can tell by the “.gov” domain name extension, but realize that there’s only one way to get a .gov extension: be part of the United States government. So somebody had to have this site planned in advance and get it coordinated enough to have online just days after the election. That’s some good foresight and planning.

I can only hope we continue to see proactive communication and participation from our leaders – just as we need the exact same thing from our populace. And seeing the web as a medium for this to all take place is very exciting – and new. Keep an eye on this one!
