
Public Relations

April 25th, 2009


Twitter Growth Proves Early Adopters Need Not Be Young

Typically those who are younger and more tech savvy have been the key to driving adoption of new technology. While the fastest growing segment of Facebook is now women 55+, and other social networks are graying, their massive growth was largely fueled by the young.  But Twitter, which was launched publicly in August 2006, breaks that mold, and makes us rethink the who and why of technology adoption.
Twitter Users by Age
The majority of Twitter users are 35 years old or older. Read More

April 17th, 2009


Springtime Brings Award Season

It is hard to believe that it is April already. Unpredictable weather, precious warm sunny days, Easter and award ceremonies mark the change of seasons. Even though Bozell strongly feels that awards are not our first priority, they are a reality of the world of marketing communications. Bozell will be recognized in seven categories at the upcoming American Marketing Association (AMA) Pinnacle Awards ceremony.

March 23rd, 2009


Different Personalities of Twitter

Have you seen the movie Sybil? (I know that I am dating myself referencing this old movie. I watched it when I was a little girl and it was very scary to me.) The movie came to mind while reading this interesting story on the different personalities of Twitters. Twitter personalities can range from purist, answering the question what you are doing, to self promoter, trying to leverage Twitter as a marketing tool.

March 9th, 2009


What can blogging do for my business?

According to Technorati’s State of the Blogosphere, blogs receive 77.7 million unique visits a month. Technorati also states that 184 million people worldwide have started a blog. It is no secret that businesses have the opportunity to connect with a lot of potential customers via blogging.

One question that I hear a lot, goes a little like this: I want to get our company blogging, but how can I convince the c-suite that this is a valuable source of their time and money during these tough economic times?

March 5th, 2009


To Pay or Not to Pay…For Conversation

A report released this week by Forrester Research talking up sponsored conversations (i.e. paid blog posts) set off a firestorm of online debate.

February 13th, 2009


Mainstream Twitter Does Not Equal Marketing Panacea

Look, I like Twitter. I am logged into Twitter right now. I love that it is mobile. I love that it is fast, free and open to freedom of expression. I love that it is open API and there are already hundreds, if not thousands, of supplementary Twitter tools. I love that it lets you be super snarky. What I don’t like about Twitter is how important everyone seems to think it is.

February 10th, 2009


The Creation of The Sausage Factory Seminar Series

We’ve create a practical how-to seminar series on a variety of marketing topics because we’ve seen first hand the need for a “preventative medicine” type of approach when it comes to effective marketing techniques being used today.

January 29th, 2009


The Next Oracle of Omaha?

Yesterday I had a wonderful opportunity with my son, Alexander. I have always felt that the best lessons are learned by doing, rather than by just reading it in a book. When my son’s were young, I taught them math as we baked a cake or made dinner and measured out the various ingredients. On his own accord, my oldest son decided to enter his high school’s stock market challenge. Since he knows that one of my degrees was in finance, he tapped me for stock recommendations and an overview of our present financial climate.

January 27th, 2009


Now You Can Take it Back

Surprisingly it’s just dawning on many people that they have a digital trail that can impact their ability to land a job. For years, we’ve routinely done a quick online search of candidates we interview. And I often shake my head at some of the things we find. But now, YouTube’s making it easy to clean up your act as far as video comments go.

January 20th, 2009


Social Media Insights

Bozell is committed to tracking the latest trends in social media. We attend webinars and conferences to keep on the bleeding edge of social media. It is our goal to be ahead of the curve with the benefits and liabilities of social media. I was able to participate in a webinar called “What is Working Now: Making Profits in Social Media.” There were two insights that I received in this presentation.