
Different Personalities of Twitter

March 23rd, 2009

Hello – Have you seen the movie Sybil? (I know that I am dating myself referencing this old movie. I watched it when I was a little girl and it was very scary to me.) The movie came to mind while reading this interesting story on the different personalities of Twitters,  http://mediacaffeine.com/network/the-14-types-of-twitter-personalities/. Twitter personalities can range from purist, answering the question what you are doing, to self promoter, trying to leverage Twitter as a marketing tool. Since my goal for Twitter is primarily for “education” purposes, learning about the latest trends in social media or what is trending with national media opportunities, I admit that I have multiple Twitter personalities. I check my personal Twitter every day, have a goal of sending a Tweet at least daily and regularly check out www.twitscoop.com, but sometimes the day goes by and I have forgotten to click the “update” button on my Twitter account. I try to practice what I preach about keeping it real and conversational. If you follow me at www.twitter.com/sdb2205, be warned since you might read about the latest social media trend, a beautiful day in Omaha or my take on a current event. I do not intend to try to have one personality on Twitter, as it is a useful and entertaining tool that will continue to evolve.

Have a great week! Sylvia
