
Blogging Gone Wild

December 2nd, 2008

Recently, the Motrin controversy was still unfolding.  Instantaneous response to the advertiser’s campaign caused their TV spot to be pulled off the air – and some people may even have lost their jobs.  Who is in charge of a brand?  The tables have turned and obviously the consumer really is king now.  This can work to a brand’s advantage, if the brand is response, involved and engaged with the appropriate audiences at every level.  Consumers must be your advocates – as they will make – or break your brand.  Social media has changed the game and response to a campaign is now real time.  It is our job to develop a plan that integrates with this discipline in order to navigate a brand – and participate in world conversations.

While blogging is a hobby for some, a job for others, it ultimately shapes opinions, matters to readers and can drive brand value.  Blogging is increasingly popular and influential amongst the 18-29 year-olds.  As a matter of fact, according to a study conducted by SNCR and Middleberg Communications, 87% of 18-29 year-olds believe that bloggers have become important opinion-shapers, versus 69% of 50-64 year-olds (still a large number).

The moral of the story is – be actively involved in online conversations, be aware of what is being said about your brand.
