Anyone get it? What about Chocolate Rain? Or how about Hampster Dance? Techno Viking? Monkey Sniffs Finger? LOLCATS? Mentos & Diet Coke? Peanut Butter Jelly Time? Star Wars Kid? I really could go on for days. I will save you the pain (and time) and end it now.
Anyone who has been online for a while is surely familiar with at least one of the above internet memes. There was even a South Park episode that made fun of the phenomenon.
What is it that makes any one of these breakout sensations so overwhelmingly popular? How does a Rick Astley video turn into something you can’t afford NOT to see? It’s really hard to say, but people are chasing that very goal every day. Companies and individuals are out there trying very hard to forcefully become the Next Big Thing online. Who wouldn’t drool at the opportunity to have hundreds of thousands of people forwarding your link to their friends?
The trick, however, is that these things can’t be forced. It’s like making friends. Walk around on the street and tell every person you see that they should be your friend. And that they should tell their friends to be your friend, too. Not going to happen.
You’ve got to be original. Unique. Provide something people want. Whether it’s information, entertainment, efficiency or something else – these internet sensations did something that made them stand out from the other millions of things like them online. Some of them were the first of their kind. Some of them took a new approach to the same old thing. Some were simply better than the others.
Look at your business and brand. Where do you fit in? How are you trying to stand out in the crowd? Now more than ever, it’s essential that you evaluate your approach and make sure you’re not out there asking everyone to be your friend. Be the company that everyone wants to do business with. Be sincere, interesting and valuable. Tell the truth. If you just happen to be the next big breakout sensation, then you’re all the more prepared to take it on because you’ve built a good foundation in the first place.
OK – so much for the rant. Here’s some more fun:
About this blog post’s title, which holds a special place in my heart because of actually having played that game. And the full video »
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