
5 Reasons People Hate Your Website

September 27th, 2010

Reason 1

You’re not put together
It is one thing to be a reputable and wise company blessed with many years of success. However, it’s quite another to have a site that looks old, washed up, and like it was designed and launched in 1997. No matter the product, service, or content displayed, if it looks dated, you can bet users will take one look and walk (click) away.

So how do you know if a face-lift is a must? Check your measurements. Your average number of page views, average time spent on site, and task completion rate, that is. What’s needed to look sophisticated and innovative? A harmonious design. Your site needs to be balanced appropriately, ensuring content, white space, and images complement one another to create perfect equilibrium and cater to the expectations of your audience. Make sure the look and feel of your site is inviting, trustworthy, and current, and your prospects will be seeing you as the complete package in no time.

Reason 2

You’re just looks
To turn a visitor into a prospect, you need to create a truly beautiful web experience that pays as much attention to the perceived credibility of your site as it does to the usability and function of your design.

Pages that require users to scroll more than two screen lengths are asking for a considerable amount of engagement. So if it’s a must for your site, make sure that you’re paying close attention to the structure of those pages. Is there a logical order to the content being displayed that will encourage the visitor to scroll? Are you balancing an appropriate amount of white space and imagery with text so that the page doesn’t seem overwhelming? Navigation also plays a crucial role. Remember that your website should be designed for your users. Be sure your site carries them logically and intuitively through the information on your site that they’re there to find.

Reason 3

You’re socially inept
No one wants to date someone who is socially awkward or appears to be a loner. Letting your social status shine on your website will increase your chances of building more than just your social circle. It will increase your opportunities for business growth as well. It’s not about “going social” because everyone’s doing it — it’s about being where your clients and prospects are. So be sure to prominently link to your social properties from your site if you’d like to cash in on the channel that is changing the way the world communicates.

Reason 4

You’re too closed off
Have trouble opening up and explaining who you really are? It sounds simple, but it’s absolutely vital. If people have trouble finding the essentials on your site, they’re bound to dump it for one that meets their standards and provides what they’re looking for. Ditch the industry jargon and wordy explanations of what your business does and cut to the chase. And again, remember who you’re designing your website for. Consider what it is that they’re hoping to find first. Then, frame the design of your website around your prospects desired action paths.

Reason 5

You’re not dependable
In August 2010, Firefox held 45.8 percent of the browser market, followed closely by Internet Explorer with 30.7 percent, Chrome with 17 percent, Safari with 3.5 percent, and Opera with 2.3 percent. If you aren’t testing the design and functionality of your site across multiple browsers, you’re losing business.

The same rule applies for screen resolution. While 76 percent of users are now browsing the web on a machine that has a resolution higher than 1024×768, pay close attention to the content that user might not be seeing if they’re browsing at a lower resolution.

How dependable is your web hosting service? Does it provide advanced features and truly support your website? If your host isn’t aiding your professional image, it’s definitely time to look for a new provider — one that will ensure your needs and encourage your company’s growth. What two characteristics should you look for in a web hosting company? Security (virus-free systems) and reputation (current and past clients). An inconsistent web host can make any website appear faulty.

Just like dating expectations, realizing the necessities for a well-rounded site can definitely seem overwhelming. Relax, and don’t become intimidated. The initial step for ensuring your site is a winner is to take a step back and look in the mirror (your site). Make sure you critique every angle of your site and be sure to ask yourself valid questions. Are you satisfied with your presence? Is information clearly displayed? Are you having trouble navigating and finding paths to conversions? If you aren’t impressed with you site, then you can bet visitors aren’t either. And remember — disappointing websites and dates often don’t receive second chances.

Source:  iMediaConnection

By Lisa Wehr September 27, 2010
