
What Not to Do in Social Media

May 15th, 2013

Wow! In case you missed it, there was a social media meltdown of epic proportions this week following the airing of the season finale of Kitchen Nightmares featuring Amy’s Baking Company.


Not pretty. And throughout the last two days it got worse and the media picked it up and wrote hundreds of stories that were not at all flattering to the restaurant.

Obviously any business hates to hear negative reviews and feedback, but the last thing you want to have happen is to escalate the negative chatter. You simply don’t want to piss off the interwebs.

So, if you ever get into a situation with negative feedback, there are three big no-nos:

  1. Don’t go too defensive in your language — you have the right to explain your point of view or present the facts, but always take the high road in the way you present it.
  2. Don’t feed the trolls — sadly there are people who just pipe in for the sake of trying to get a reaction out of you, don’t let them get to you.
  3. Don’t lie — that just makes a bad situation even worse. In the case of Amy’s Baking Company, after the meltdown, they came out and said they were hacked and that it wasn’t them which just fueled the flames again. If you make a mistake in the way you handle something, fess up and apologize.
