
Thanks to Chuck Peebler

April 27th, 2009

Chuck had a profound impact on Bozell…not only in who we were, but in who we are today.  Because of Chuck:

  • We have a culture of collaboration.
  • We have always been media neutral (well before everyone else started talking about it, we were living it.)
  • Strategy that gets results drives this company.
  • Advertising never had a bigger role than other solutions.
  • There never was an “above/below the line” mentality.
  • We solve problems, not sell stuff.
  • Smart, insightful consulting is core to our brand.
  • We are close to the customer.
  • We have an entrepreneurial spirit driven by a passion for the business.
  • We believe that with hard work, anything is possible.
  • We believe everyone has a voice.
  • We kiss change on the lips.

He loved this business and this company.  And it showed.  I was lucky enough to have worked with him on a few things in the 90s.  And I still have several notes and memos with kind words  from him in my files.  They meant a lot to me then…and now.

He will be missed.  But his legacy lives on.

Read more about Chuck at:




Omaha World Herald>

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