
Reflections of an Intern: Joe

June 14th, 2011

Week three crept up on us fairly fast! We are officially settled into Bozell and have our workloads piling up on us. Each day I walk into the office I am eager to get working (something that is new for me). I have held a fair amount of jobs in my short life and nothing compares to this place.

For starters, Bozell has some of the most intelligent people I have ever met. I have had the pleasure to meet many fine individuals over these last few weeks and all of them seem so happy to be a part of this company. As an intern it can be frightening to start working with the big dogs. However, the people of Bozell have seemed to quickly friend us and treat us with respect like we are already part of their family. It is refreshing to come and leave work daily with a smile on my face.

I could not ask for a better group of interns to work with. Something about these guys and gals makes me feel comfortable talking about anything. Since day one we all hit it off and we are getting along better than ever. We have already implemented an intern happy hour every Wednesday. I know that us interns are getting along really well when I am heckled after I miss our lunch dates. We are so different and that makes this experiment fun.

We experienced our first Fridays at Four last week. It was a brand new experience for us. We lounged around the table looking over downtown Omaha with an occasional game of Washers. After a small incident (blame Rob) I had to climb over the railing and under the deck to retrieve one of the washer disks and a blue blouse. I don’t want to
know why that blouse was down there.

This is going to be a busy summer for us. After the Creating Captains creative brief receives its final critiques the fun begins! This will be a fun and entertaining summer for the five of us. We will be busy working with new clients and campaigns, the College World Series and Creating Captains.
