
Reflections of an Intern: Jennifer

June 28th, 2011

The Bozell summer internship has been in full swing for a month now, and words cannot express how it feels to be working for this company. I have actually been an intern since October of 2010 and have always loved the people around here. The summer internship has given me the opportunity to learn more about agency operations through hands on work. It has also given me the chance to get to know four other extremely talented peers.

I was extremely nervous to meet the other interns on the first day because I had been the only intern for so long. The nerves disappeared the minute we began introducing ourselves. Chelsea, Rob, Joe and Jordan are so talented and fun to work with. I can honestly say I have found friends in them which is nice when I want someone to eat lunch with or if I feel compelled to randomly break into song while walking back to my car from the College World Series (Shout out to Joe!- yeah yeah).

We have all gotten extremely busy recently which is really exciting. This means it’s time for the fun to begin. Rob and I have recently had our creative briefs approved for our Creating Captains project which means that Jordan can finally begin planning out what he wants to do. Jordan is a design genius, and I am in awe every time he presents me with an idea. He is so fun to talk to and concept with. Rob is extremely organized and has been great with planning ahead and being the contact person for our client. He and I work together to make sure things get done which has been a great learning experience. Joe has been swamped with work for the College World Series-primarily the tailgating. He hasn’t been in the office because of that which is a shame because we all miss his gleaming face and perfectly pitched singing voice!  Chelsea is our social media intern, and she has been great about sending out a video of the day. She has a fun spirit and is great with people.

I could go on and on about how amazing Bozell is, but there are not enough words. If anyone has a special request, I’d be happy to write a song and choreograph a dance to properly express the joy I have in working here. Until then, I will leave you with one final statement: I love Bozell.
