

February 4th, 2013

Jerry Stoner to be a Panelist for the 2013 AMA Super Bowl Review on February 7, 2013

Jerry Stoner, executive creative director, will participate on a panel of marketing professionals for the 2013 AMA Super Bowl Review on February 7, 2013. The event will be held at DJ’s Dugout at 114th and north of Dodge Street at noon. Read More

January 31st, 2013


Mobile Couponing – It’s Growing!

  • Juniper Research predicts that mobile couponing will grow more than 50% in the next year
  • It’s a great tactic towards a more integrated experience for customers
  • Currently, there is a 10% redemption rate for mobile coupons
  • There is a 1% redemption rate for traditional print and PC-based coupons
  • Apple’s Passbook app should act as a catalyst
  • Retailers’ have shown reluctance to upgrade point-of-sale terminals that would allow for redemption

Smartphone couponing


Do you think customers will just skip the stores that don’t upgrade and allow mobile couponing? I think that the people who want to take advantage of this opportunity will go to the stores that allow them to do so.

January 28th, 2013


FAQs on Authoring a Book: Getting Started – Part 2 Continued

We’ve already addressed three of the four basic categories that new authors tend to fall into:  the I have an idea I’d like to share with the world group, typically consisting of business advice – an idea, the I have a story to tell group, often about overcoming adversity, and/or self-help advice and the I want to write a book and give my business, or personal brand, a boost folks. We’ve given these author-types some advice on the best way to get things started. Read More

January 21st, 2013

Duane Siebler and Steve Kuegler to Speak at Creative Center on January 28, 2013

Duane Siebler, partner in charge of brand navigation, and Steve Kuegler, partner in charge of Smartargeting, will be speaking to a group of Bachelor of Fine Arts students at Omaha’s Creative Center on January 28. They will present on business-to-business marketing and how it is similar yet different from marketing to consumers. Read More

January 16th, 2013


Crash of the Titans

So Facebook makes a big announcement on Tuesday about graph search. Headlines proclaim “Facebook Just Declared War on Google.”  The interwebs go nuts with prophecies and commentary. Like after a political debate. And those with beta access start posting all kinds of results like this and stories like this. Read More

January 11th, 2013


FAQ’s on Authoring a Book: Getting Started-Part 2

Lately I’ve been fielding a lot of questions from folks who are thinking they’d like to write a book. They typically fall into these four basic categories:  the I have an idea I’d like to share with the world group, the subject here often boils down to business advice – an idea, the I have a story to tell group, the subject is often one depicting how they or a loved one has overcome adversity, and/or self-help advice; then there are the I love to write and I’m pretty good so I should probably write a book folks, and for them the subject is often secondary; last and probably least we have the I want to write a book and give my business, or personal brand, a boost folks. Read More

January 8th, 2013

Scott Rowe to Speak at AMA of KC Luncheon on January 22, 2013

Scott Rowe, partner in charge of digital marketing, will speak at the American Marketing Association of Kansas City luncheon on Tuesday, January 22.  He will discuss the mystery behind the technology of QR codes and show some examples of how marketers are currently using them to develop successful campaigns. He will also discuss methods to effectively track and report on your QR code campaigns. Read More

January 7th, 2013


Exploring the e-book industry

Occasionally I find myself spending hours online researching something merely to satisfy my own curiosity sparked by some personal experience or some random reference in an article. Read More

January 3rd, 2013


Cats and Bacon

You only have to spend about 10 minutes online to see that as a human race we’re nuts about both. Read More

December 20th, 2012


FAQ’s on Authoring a Book: Writing, Publishing and Promoting–Part 1

First Novel

First Novel

The origin of Bozell Books and Managing New Author Expectations:
The Bozell Books division was started as a direct result of my own personal need. I had just published my first book: Is It Still Murder Even If She Was A Bitch?, and I hadn’t a clue as to how to promote it. www.rldonovan.com.

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