

July 21st, 2014


Uber Ice Cream

Last Friday, Uber, a ride-sharing program delivered through a mobile application, offered something out of the ordinary, ice cream. UberIceCream was available in 144 cities (38 countries on 6 continents) and allowed Uber users to request ice cream to be delivered to them. All costs are paid through the mobile app that users set up ahead of time, so there is no worry about how to pay.

Uber, and its fuzzy pink mustached competitor Lyft, has not been available in Omaha long. And, like in other cities, there has been some controversy that is not yet fully resolved. I have happily used both services. But, on Friday I wanted to have ice cream delivered and be part of a global event. Read More

July 16th, 2014


Smartphone Culture Shift

I can’t stop thinking about this article. A NYC restaurant wanted to understand more about why recent customer reviews included long wait times for service and food, so they watched video footage from today compared to 10 years ago. The incredible answer has nothing to do with the restaurant. The “wait” times are due to a dramatic shift in smartphone culture. As guests focus more on their phones, their time to decide what to order, when they begin eating, time to pay, etc., changes dramatically. Adding almost an additional hour to visits. But the restaurant has maintained delivery times for service and food. Read More

June 2nd, 2014


The inside scoop on Toilet Paper

A year or so ago I was asked – through my blog on menopause – to participate in helping to “name” a new product offering by Kimberly-Clark. They wanted a cute/clever name for the pairing of toilet paper and wipes for women 50+. I was aghast!

What were they thinking? More to the point, what were they implying? That women 50+ leak waste? Read More

May 13th, 2014


Are You Healthy?

Last year a study was released that shared Americans think they are healthier than they really are. Many in the study wanted to lose as many as 25 pounds without gastric sleeve, but thought they were healthy.

When asked why this is, psychologists may point to something called illusory superiority, or the idea that lots of Americans think they are above average in many skills. People will often give themselves higher scores for positive traits and rank others lower. Other cultures are less likely to do this, but Americans are notorious for it. Read More

May 8th, 2014


U.S. Instagram Users

A common, and smart, question asked by many clients is, “should we be in Instagram?” The number of platform users certainly continues to grow. Interestingly, the question is often followed by something like, “I keep hearing all the kids are there.” We could replace Instagram with Snapchat in this scenario, but let’s focus on Instagram.

Everyone should be asking if they are utilizing the right social media tools for their business/brand. It’s an important question and the answer changes as more platforms become popular and businesses/brands evolve. Read More

May 5th, 2014


Personalized For You

Online native advertising is more popular today than ever and, thank goodness, has become more integrated into online experiences. In some cases, users are not even aware that content they see is a form of advertising to take them to an article or video outside their original query. Read More

April 21st, 2014


Eternal Beta, Episode 12 – Snapchat

In this Episode, Scott & Scott talk about Snapchat. They discuss how the social network works and how companies are using it for marketing.

April 2nd, 2014


From Bad to Worse

We’ve all seen bad advertising. Really bad advertising. It’s pretty much everywhere, right? But today I was stopped dead in my online tracks. My jaw dropped. It was so horrific I thought for sure Omaha.com had been hacked by some prankster.

But alas, it’s real. LowerMyBills is known for some crappy ads, but this takes the cake. They actually paid someone to create this abomination. What’s worse, some hack used flash to create it. Wonder if they proudly display it in their portfolio? What’s really sad is that it is soooo horrifically bad that it’s probably getting good results. People like me, who were so shocked by it, we felt compelled to click to find out who was behind it. Read More

March 13th, 2014


David Moore Published in PRSA Nebraska Blog, PRSA NEws

Bozell’s creative director, David Moore, has been highlighted in this month’s PRSA Nebraska blog, PRSA NEws, with his article “Writing Your Brand’s Obituary Today May Save You From Extinction.” In it, he discusses how important it is for brands to question themselves. He says we should “think of it as a game to play every so often among an organization’s leadership.” He also includes his five favorite questions. To read the entire article, click here.

The PRSA Nebraska blog, PRSA NEws, provides tips, resources and insights from industry experts as a service to the more than 200 public relations professionals and affiliate organizations. Plus, current PRSA members can visit prsanews.org to find outstanding opportunities for professional growth, networking and community outreach.

February 17th, 2014

What’s in a Title? Bozell Owners Take Their Titling Decision ‘Lightly’

Bozell, a full-service advertising and public relations agency, has named Kim Mickelsen as chief executive officer (CEO) and Robin Donovan as president in recognition  of their leadership, years of service, and above all their luck of the draw. Read More