

July 14th, 2017


“If I Were a Sandwich I Would be…” – A Lunchtime Tale by Spencer Suckow

If I had to choose what kind of sandwich I was, it would probably be PB&J. Mainly because I was in a rush when I wrote this, but it’s still going to somehow (hopefully) turn out well.  Read More

July 13th, 2017


An Open Letter to Athleta

Athleta, can we be real?

After reading Robin’s take on body positivity regarding Dove and the work it’s doing, I decided it’s time for me to put in my two cents on how your company is taking body positive companies like Dove’s three steps forward, eight steps backward. Read More

July 12th, 2017


Innovation: What is it really?

When it comes to innovation, take Simon Sinek’s advice and start with the “Why”. The answer to that question may seem obvious. To make more money, right? Sure, but as the pace of change around us accelerates, product development cycles shorten, and entrepreneurship Read More

July 11th, 2017


We’re the interns. It’s nice to meat you.

When prospective Bozell interns applied for Bozell’s competitive summer internship program, they were greeted with a brightly colored web page that pronounced, “The perfect intern can find the perfect sandwich.” Read More

July 5th, 2017

Laura Spaulding

2017 Bozell Summer Internship Program

The 2017 Bozell interns are here! Well, actually, they have been here for more than a month and I should have written this a while ago but, ya know … work. But that doesn’t make us less excited about it! Read More

July 5th, 2017


Introducing Innovation Coach, Dr. Mike Murray – Bozell Guest Blogger

Innovation is the way of life.  Our species has been innovating for hundreds of thousands of years.

With all that experience, why can innovation seem so amoeba-like: tough to wrap your arms around, messy to manage with ever-moving boundaries?  Read More

June 29th, 2017

Amber Knecht

A Birthday Ode … to the iPhone

As a self-professed Apple fangirl, today is a day that ranks right up there with my wedding day and kids’ birthdays. Read More

June 28th, 2017

Robin Donovan

Are Shonda and Dove the Power Couple That Can Kill Fat?

Shonda Rhimes is a power player. She can make things happen. Read More

June 27th, 2017


Social Media is Becoming the New TV

Wait, what just happened?

I, like many young adults, am often guilty of trying to multitask when watching TV. Aka, I get on social media and miss what’s happening right in front of me. Read More

June 26th, 2017


8 Things Every Small Business Owner Needs to Know

Branding for a business—whether big or small—is no easy task. Here’s eight ways for a small business to make the most out of their brand: Read More