

November 8th, 2017


Innovation: How Empathizing Saved The Day

In his previous post on Innovation (Innovation – How to Do It, Part 2), guest-blogger, Dr. Michael Murray introduced “The Design Thinking/Human Centered Design model 1-3”, a methodology for innovation. The first step of this process is “Empathize”. Read More

October 23rd, 2017

Laura Spaulding

Bozell Recognized with National PR News Agency Elite Award

Bozell, a full-service advertising and public relations agency, has received the National PR News Agency Elite Award for Community Relations/Volunteer Programs for its Free Ad Day event. Read More

October 13th, 2017


Integrity in a Digital World

As digital ad dollars have grown in the past decade, so has the presence of digital ad fraud. Long before digital advertising existed, agencies have been fighting for free publicity. This week, a New York media agency combined those two themes and announced a “Digital Integrity Director.” Read More

October 11th, 2017


Innovation: How to Do It (Part 2)

This is the fourth post in the 10-part series on innovation, provided by Dr. Michael Murray.Earlier posts addressed questions of “what” innovation is and “who” the innovators are. This month’s piece continues to address the “how” of innovation. Read More

September 22nd, 2017


Entry-Level Hire? Don’t Dress Like It.

Knowing and flawlessly executing all the dress codes of American society could easily be a part-time job: smart dress, casual dress, black tie, cocktail attire, tech casual, business formal, business professional … would you like me to continue? Read More

September 21st, 2017


There’s No ‘I’ In Team

In the world of social media, collaboration is key.You can’t start or scale a social program without the dedicated support and expertise of your fellow social collaborators, including agency partners and clients.

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September 19th, 2017

Laura Spaulding

Bozell Announces Two Senior-Level Promotions and Five New Hires

Bozell, a full-service advertising and public relations agency, announces the promotions of Alex Maltese and Justin Henriksen to senior-level positions and the addition of five new employees Read More

September 13th, 2017


Innovation: How To Do It (Part 1)

This is the third post in the 10-part series on innovation, provided by Dr. Michael Murray. Earlier posts addressed questions of “what” innovation is and “who” the innovators are. This month’s piece begins to address the “how” of innovation. Read More

September 11th, 2017


Dear Facebook…

Dear Facebook:

I can understand why you would back your audience reach claims to the hilt. You are selling audience reach and if there’s doubt as to your accuracy and methodology, that’s a problem for your bottom line. You need credibility or your product loses its value. Read More

August 28th, 2017

Laura Spaulding

Summer Fridays

There was nothing happier than summer vacation when you were a kid. Except Summer Fridays as an adult. Read More