

May 31st, 2018

Kerrey Lubbe

With Love, From a Grammar Nerd

Fellow marketers. I write to you today with a request.

On a regular basis, I see and hear minor grammatical mistakes in advertisements everywhere. And while the general population may not notice them, they drive us grammar freaks crazy. So, in an effort to keep my people sane, and to make us all look smarter, here are three things that you can keep in mind when you’re writing your next ad. Read More

May 16th, 2018


So You Want to Be a Copywriter?

Recently, an aspiring copywriter asked for some advice on his portfolio. This is what I told him:

Here’s a little feedback, with one caveat: ask five different creative directors for an opinion, and you’ll get five different answers. So take mine with a grain of salt.* Preferably, kosher salt; the rough, coarse kind. Read More

April 30th, 2018

Bozell Wins 14 Awards, including Best of Show, at the AMA Pinnacle Awards

Creative marketing communications firm Bozell received 14 industry awards at the 2018 American Marketing Association (AMA) Omaha Pinnacle Awards on Wednesday, including Best of Show. Fourteen awards was more than any other entering agency or company.  Read More

April 25th, 2018


Brand Promise vs. Brand Experience

“You’re about to get Star Treatment”, it says as I’m getting on the plane.


Is this how you treat a star? First, you clearly let him know where he stands in the pecking order, and it’s not first.  It’s not Platinum, Gold or Silver Elite, either. And if this star wants a seat with extra legroom, well that’s $59.00.  Want to watch an inflight movie? That’s another $6.00. If you want something to eat, choose from the menu and have your credit card ready. Read More

April 17th, 2018


Innovation Begins Here

It seems perfect that just as we wrapped up the 10-post series on innovation, authored by Innovation Coach, founder of LeveL5 Coach and guest-blogger, Dr. Michael Murray, that Harvard Business Review released the article What 40 Years of Research Reveals About the Difference Between Disruptive and Radical Innovation. Read More

April 11th, 2018


Navigating Your Innovation Journey, On Purpose

Over a ten-month period, innovation expert and guest blogger, Dr. Michael Murray has stepped us through the innovation process.

Through monthly posts, Dr. Murray has defined “innovation” and identified “innovators”.  He’s led us through the creative, the practical, the management and even the emotional aspects of innovation. Read More

April 2nd, 2018


Why the Financial Industry Should Embrace Social Media

When you think of how to approach a social media strategy for a financial institution, the words ‘creative freedom’ probably don’t pop into your head. But while there may be additional guidelines and restrictions when it comes to the social media space for the financial industry, content published doesn’t have to be dull or tiresome. Read More

March 29th, 2018


Facebook Algorithm Apocalypse

“I’m changing the goal I give our product teams from focusing on helping you find relevant content to helping you have more meaningful social interactions.” – Mark Zuckerberg, 01/11/2018

They’re calling it the Facebook Apocalypse. Though the world hasn’t ended since Facebook’s big announcement, brands are seeing changes in how often their content is shown to followers. Read More

March 27th, 2018


You’re Not the Audience

There’s a (probably) apocryphal story about Henry Ford, that he told his advertising manager he was tired of seeing a particular Ford ad, and it was time to create a new one.

But the ad hadn’t actually appeared in the media yet. He was just tired of seeing it in interminable internal meetings, so he assumed everyone else would be bored with it, too. Read More

March 20th, 2018


Is the Younger Generation Waving Good-Bye to Facebook?

Does the saying “out with the old, in with the new” apply to Facebook? It is understood that technology is always changing, but does that mean that Facebook will lose an estimated 2 million users under the age of 24 in 2018? According to eMarketer, it does. Read More